Ann Coulter, the early years

Ann Coulter has always loved guns even since she was old enough to walk.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

America's past and now

A Nation without God declines or as Liberals says, Evolve.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 is just around the corner. Hide your books, especially the Bible. Just under half of Americans believe the government should mandate that all radio and television stations offer equal amounts of "conservative" and "liberal" political commentary, according to a new Rasmussen poll.
Rasmussen noted Republicans have expressed alarm in recent months over congressional Democratic efforts to restore the so-called Fairness Doctrine. The law was abolished in 1987, during the Reagan administration, opening the door to development of a flourishing talk-radio market led by Rush Limbaugh.
But the poll found 47 percent believe the government should require stations to "balance" the political viewpoint expressed over the airwaves.
Rasmussen found, however, 71 percent say it is already possible for just about any political view to be heard in today's media. Some 20 percent did not agree.
The poll also touched on regulation of the Internet, revealing 31 percent believe websites should be forced to balance their commentary.
This week, Rasmussen noted, Robert McDowell, a Bush appointee to the Federal Communications Commission, suggested restoration of the Fairness Doctrine could lead to government regulation of content on the Internet.
Ramussen's new survey found Democrats are more supportive of government involvement in the airwaves than Republicans and unaffiliated voters. The poll showed 54 percent of Democrats in favor and just 26 percent opposed. Republicans and unaffiliated voters are fairly evenly divided.
Republican Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana has introduced the Broadcaster Freedom Act, arguing the lifting of the Fairness Doctrine has "opened the public airwaves to free and vigorous discussion of controversial issues by individuals of all political stripes."
"Bringing back the Fairness Doctrine would amount to government control over political views expressed on the public airwaves," Pence said. "It is a dangerous proposal to suggest the government should be in the business of rationing free speech," he said.
Pence, a former broadcaster, said his Broadcasters Freedom Act would ensure that "true freedom and fairness will remain on our radio airwaves."

The Socialist Democrats Anti-God Government already controls the Press, Television, Supreme Court, Lawyers and Judges, now they are after the last source of freedom of speech, Religious broadcasting and Truth; that is Talk Radio and the Internet. On the Internet they are not worried about Porn or Homosexuality, just theses pesky Christians and their conservative views.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Send in the troops

When Obama heard that Russia had invaded Georgia, he called on President Bush to send troops to Atlanta and Savannah. President Bush said "you must be the stupidest person in the world! You know we can't afford to pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghan. We'll have to call on the United nations to send in a peace keeping force."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Believe

Why I am not a liberal
Posted: August 12, 20081:00 am Eastern© 2008 WND
Such a list is vitally important to clarify exactly what positions divide left from right, blue from red, liberal from conservative.
I believe in American exceptionalism, meaning that a) America has done more than any international organization or institution, and more than any other country, to improve this world, and b) that American values (specifically, the unique American blending of Enlightenment and Judeo-Christian values) form the finest value system any society has ever devised and lived by.
I believe the bigger government gets and the more powerful the state becomes, the greater the threat to individual liberty and the greater the likelihood that evil will ensue. In the 20th century, the powerful state, not religion, was the greatest purveyor of evil in the world.
I believe the levels of taxation advocated by liberals render those taxes a veiled form of theft. "Give me more than half of your honestly earned money or you will be arrested" is legalized thievery.
I believe government funding of those who can help themselves (e.g., the able-bodied who collect welfare) or who can be helped by nongovernmental institutions (such as private charities, family and friends) hurts them and hurts society.
I believe the United States of America, from its inception, has been based on the Judeo-Christian value system, not secular Enlightenment values alone, and therefore the secularization of American society will lead to the collapse of America as a great country.
I believe some murderers should be put death, that allowing all murderers to live does not elevate the value of human life, but mocks it, and keeping all murderers alive trivializes the evil of murder.
I believe the American military has done more to preserve and foster goodness and liberty on Earth than all the artists and professors in America put together.
I believe lowering standards to admit minorities mocks the real achievements of members of those minorities.
I believe that when schools give teenagers condoms, it is understood by most teenagers as tacit approval of their engaging in sexual intercourse.
I believe assertions that manmade carbon emissions will lead to a global warming that will bring on worldwide disaster are a function of hysteria, just as was the widespread liberal belief that heterosexual AIDS will ravage America.
I believe marriage must remain what has been in every recorded civilization – between the two sexes.
I believe trial lawyers associations and teachers unions, the greatest donors to the Democratic Party, have done great harm to American life – far more than, let us say, oil companies and pharmaceutical companies, the targets of liberal opprobrium.
I believe nuclear power, clean coal and drilling in a tiny and remote frozen part of Alaska and offshore – along with exploration of other energy alternatives such as wind and solar power – are immediately necessary.
I believe that while there are racists in America, America is no longer a racist society, and blaming disproportionate rates of black violence and out-of-wedlock births on white racism is a lie and the greatest single impediment to African-American progress.
I believe America, a country that accepts and assimilates foreigners better than any other in the world, is the least racist, least xenophobic country in the world.
I believe the leftist takeover of the liberal arts departments in nearly every American university has been an intellectual and moral calamity.
I believe a good man and a good marriage are more important to most women's happiness and personal fulfillment than a good career.
I believe males and females are inherently different. For example, girls naturally prefer dolls and tea sets to trucks and toy guns – if you give a girl trucks, she is likely to give them names and take care of them, and if you give a boy trucks, he is likely to crash them into one another.
I believe that when it comes to combating the greatest evils on Earth, such as the genocide in Rwanda, the United Nations has either been useless or an obstacle.
I believe, generally speaking, Western Europe provides social and moral models to be avoided, not emulated.
I believe America's children were positively affected by hearing a non-denominational prayer each morning in school, and adversely affected by the removal of all prayer from school.
I believe liberal educators' removal of school uniforms and/or dress codes has had a terrible impact on students and their education.
I believe bilingual education does not work, that for the sake of immigrant children and for the sake of the larger society, immersion in the language of the country, meaning English in America, is mandatory.
I believe English should be declared the national language, and that ballots should not be printed in any language other than English. If one cannot understand English, one is probably not sufficiently knowledgeable to vote intelligently in an English-speaking country.
Finally, I believe this America sadly does not exist anymore.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Interesting Hurricane information

Map shows which area of the U. S. coastline receive the most hits during the 20th century.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dino juice?

I just have one, no; three questions. What geological condition in the past put most of the world's oil in one place on the globe? How do scientist explained this? Is there a website that tries to answer this?