Thursday, December 31, 2009

Media Brainwashing

What do they say? Our diversity makes us great. It doesn't apply to what you see or read. What do all these channel have in common? They all teach as a fact; evolution, global warming, climate change and that man controls his future and he alone must save the planet. Every chance they get, they discredit Bible principles and teachings. George Orwell (1984) and Ray Bradbury's (Fahrenheit 451) writings are happening right before our eyes. I'm parcel to Fahrenheit 451.
Cliff note comments on Fahrenheit 451:
You might think that book burning is the main theme in Ray Bradbury's 1953 novel, but try expanding on that idea. Burning books is the destruction of individual thought that is printed on paper — or, in one word, censorship.

Set in the twenty-fourth century, Fahrenheit 451 introduces a new world in which the media controls the masses, and overpopulation and censorship have taken over. The individual is not accepted and the intellectual is considered an outlaw. Television (on huge screens) has replaced the common perception of family, and people plug small radios into their ears to escape the dreariness of everyday reality. (Wow . . . see anything familiar in that last sentence?)

In this setting, books are considered evil because they make people question and think. All intellectual curiosity and hunger for knowledge must be quelled for the good of the state — for conformity. Without ideas, everyone conforms, and as a result, everyone should be happy. When books and new ideas are available to people, conflict and unhappiness occur.

Fahrenheit 451 is explicit in its warnings and moral lessons aimed at the present. Bradbury believes that human society can easily become oppressive and regimented — unless it changes its present tendency toward censorship (suppression of an individuals innate rights).

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The dream is dead in Copenhagen

Once again the Global Warming coalition has failed in it's attempt to save the world from that evil empire called the USA. For the time being, they can only dream of what might have been. Only North Korea was happy with the outcome. They continue to hold on to their first place position in zero carbon emissions.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The living Christmas tree

The First Baptist Church, Huntsville, Ala. Christmas program is a must see for all ages. It is titled, 'The Living Christmas Tree'. A full program video preview is available at the above site link. Video is near bottom of page. I was lucky enough to see it last weekend while visiting my Son and his family. Thank you Bonnie.

Short version

Monday, December 14, 2009

Islamic goal, no Christ and no Christmas

Monday, December 14, 2009
Why "Merry Christmas" Matters to America
by Carol Platt Liebau -

The New York Times recently revealed that, before abandoning the idea, Barack and Michelle Obama had considered eliminating The White House’s traditional nativity scene as part of an effort to celebrate a “non-religious” Christmas. In light of that story, it wasn’t entirely surprising to learn that this year, for the first time, the President’s Christmas card contains neither any mention of Christmas itself nor a quote from the New Testament. Obviously, the Obamas aren’t fans of overt displays of Christian religiosity.

The White House has told Fox News Radio that the card represents nothing but an attempt to recognize that Americans are celebrating other holidays at this time of year – not just Christmas. No doubt that approach is imbued with politically-correct, multicultural sensitivity, but it also, perhaps, reflects a world view that’s out-of-step with most regular Americans – and even America’s heritage.

For starters, the use of the term “Christmas” doesn’t seem to be as offensive as the politically correct would have us believe. A recent Rasmussem Report found that fully 72% of Americans preferred “Merry Christmas,” compared to 22% who favored a more generic greeting, like “Happy Holidays.” And a December 2008 USA Today/Gallup poll found that 93% of Americans celebrate Christmas. How offended could Americans be by a reference to a holiday that they themselves are celebrating?

Even setting aside the overwhelming predominance of Christmas observance in this country, it’s not clear why the elimination of “Christmas” (or any Bible reference) on the Obamas’ card is deemed necessary. How many reasonable Christian people would be upset by the use of “Happy Hannukah” in Israel or “blessed Ramadan” in a majority Muslim country? Would a normal Christian be incensed – even in a majority-Christian country like America – by being wished a “Happy Hannukah” by a Jewish person (or president!) or a “blessed Ramadan” by an observant Muslim one? Let’s hope not. After all, those are benedictions, not curses.

Efforts to promote “season’s greetings” and “happy holidays,” both in The White House and the larger culture, seem to rest on the assumption that “Merry Christmas” will offend those of other faiths, or of none. But is it truly so intolerable to be confronted with the indicia of a religion that is not one’s own? In a country that was founded on the concept of religious tolerance by all and toward all, it’s not clear why this should be the case.

What’s more, why should a religious holiday like Christmas be deemed unique in its potential to offend? In contrast to their apparent reticence to highlight the Christianity inherent in Christmas, the Obamas apparently perceive no insensitivity in celebrating holidays – like St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo – that point up specific ethnic differences among Americans. Historically, our country has suffered far more internal turmoil based on race and ethnicity than on religion – and we have a far larger number of different ethnicities than religions. The difference in approach makes no sense.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter whether a President uses the specific word “Christmas” on a card, as opposed to a Bible verse or some other religious element. What does matter is when the occupant of the highest office in the land attempts to transform the Christmas (or Hannukah or Ramadan) season into nothing more than a great big “happy holidays” opportunity. Intentionally or not, that approach serves to replace religiosity with some variety of civic secularism that swaps belief in God for a diffuse and undefined “holiday spirit.”

And for America, that’s a dangerous path. Religion not only provides meaning to life and illuminates life’s larger truths; it also helps a free people remain free by providing them with ways to govern themselves individually, without having to resort collectively to the heavy hand of government.

So permit me to say what the Obamas’ card does not: Merry Christmas.

alphonse jones
Location: AZ
Reply # 1
Date: Dec 14, 2009 - 5:08 PM EST lilly the senile marxist
you seem to think we care about your pathetic life.

Do us a favor and drop dead

Above is a comment about Carol's article. As you can see, it has a typical leftist response to things they disagree with. So much compassion, can't you feel the love.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


By Jason Lovelace
Key Scriptures:

“Their land is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.” - Isaiah 2.8

“And it came to pass after all thy wickedness (woe, woe unto thee! saith the Lord GOD), that thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place, and hast made thee an high place in every street. Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred, and hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms…Behold, therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee, and have diminished thine ordinary food, and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee, the daughters of the Philistines, which are ashamed of thy lewd way.” - Ezekiel 16.23-25, 27

“The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house and against this city all the words that ye have heard. Therefore, now, amend your ways, and your doings, and obey the voice of the LORD your God; and the Lord will repent him of the evil that he hath pronounced against you.” -Jeremiah 26.13-14 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” - 2nd Timothy 4.4-5

“…sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon thee.” - John 5.14

“This is the interpretation of the thing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” - Daniel 5.24-27

We all remember the date and what happened: September 11th, 2001. For every American - yea, every person who was alive and watching the news of that horrific day - the events of September 11th, 2001 have forever been burned into our psyche, our memories, and our minds. It was on this day that four airplanes were hijacked, with three of them crashing into both of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, and the Pentagon Building in Washington, D.C. In the time since that horrific day, the United States of America has continued on her downward spiral into sin, iniquity, and destruction. In many ways, especially those having anything to do with morals and Biblical Values, we, the Citizenry of the United States of America have not only continued to enjoy the sliding moral decay that has continued unabated since the middle of the 20th Century, but have embraced it. Abomination now is popularized, magnified, and enjoyed, uplifted in the US of A for all the world to see. It’s as if we, the American People didn’t learn a thing from September 11th. Now, God wants the world to know that worse -- far, far worse -- is in store for the USA if we fail to turn around and repent.
Read entire article:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


A statement issued by Judge Judy on the Larry King show back in March 2009. She was upset about California voters upholding the ban on gay marriage.This is true and this is the reason the Socialist will never give up on their vision of a God free pagan society for America. With their control of the media, school system, courts and government it's only a matter of time before people who were born before 1950 who know the truth and did not stray have passed away and they will have their totally brainwashed society. That's why states have to keep voting on the gay marriage issue and the continued attack on Christianity. Because sooner or later, they will be the majority and will be able to pass all of their agenda's.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

ISLAM - Not all changes are good


Minarets and Europe's crisis

By Anas Altikriti

The mind is boggled by the fact that Switzerland, a country renowned for its tolerant nature, could come to see less than a handful of minarets as a threat to its identity and culture.

The main campaign poster used by far right groups to rally against the construction of minarets in Switzerland depicted a Muslim woman in niqab standing before a multitude of minarets graphically rendered to look like missiles.

Switzerland's Commission Against Racism said that the campaign poster defamed the country's Muslim minority.

Neither the niqab nor the minaret is characteristic of the Muslim community in Switzerland but both have been regularly used to stoke the flames of hatred and fear against Muslims throughout Europe in recent times.

And it was that fear which pushed over half of Swiss voters to choose, by a majority of 57 per cent, to support the minaret ban called for by the Union Démocratique du Centre (UDC), a right wing populist party.

Switzerland's identity crisis

The vote revealed that Switzerland, like a number of other Western nations, faces a deep identity crisis which has nothing to do with Islam, sharia, immigration or any other red-rags that were waived by the far-right to increase European fears of Muslims.

The question the Swiss should really be asking themselves is whether the values of human rights, civil liberties and democracy - upheld so preciously by European nations - are practised as reverently as they are preached.

This becomes even more of a crisis when one recalls that among the crucial outcomes of the struggle between church and state throughout Europe was the emergence of these values as an 'alternative' to church dictate and the preaching of clerics.

Hence, the first serious problem with the referendum process is how a democratic society can begin to contemplate holding a popular vote on a matter that is regarded integral to the core themes of freedom and rights.

While it is only fair to assert that the Swiss government and most newspaper editors had urged voters to defeat the ban, it remains the case that the vote should not have been held in the first place. The very concept of a referendum in which the vast majority are asked to vote on a topic specific to the culture or religion of a minority group is in itself extremely problematic.

Imagine the furor that would certainly ensue should a country with an overwhelmingly Muslim population be asked to vote on whether its small Christian community should be allowed to build their churches according to a particular design or method, or whether they would rather do without the church bells sounding from time to time.

Limits of democracy?

There are currently only four minarets throughout Switzerland [AFP]

What next, one wonders, and how far does this appetite for 'democracy' go? Is it a matter of time before there is a referendum on whether or not Muslims should be allowed to practise their faith, or even be allowed to exist at all?

This might sound slightly melodramatic, but a quick examination of where we were and how far we have come in so little time, offers quite a concerning assumption of where we might be heading.

The reader should bear in mind that the grand sum of existing minarets in all of Switzerland is exactly ... four.

It is only a tiny fraction of the Swiss population which regularly encounters the sight of a mosque minaret.

The referendum becomes even more ludicrous when one discovers that there were precisely two applications for building permits which included the construction of minarets, and neither likely to be built within the next five years.

Therefore, since it was unlikely that the Swiss people were soon going to wake up to find themselves surrounded by a forest of minarets, this whole process begs the question of what the real motives were behind the referendum.

With most European governments continuously flaunting democracy, civil liberties and minority rights as the cornerstones of a national identity, it remains a mystery how the issue of minarets was presented as a challenge and a problem facing multi-cultural, liberal and secular Europe.

Can a civilised people be so ill at ease and low on confidence that the specific design of a handful of buildings be construed as a threat to the country's national heritage, identity and culture?

Questionable timing?

One wonders where this leaves the throng of Western commentators who persistently remind their audiences that Christians are disallowed from practising their faith freely or building churches in certain Muslim countries. In fact one wonders whether the ramifications of the Swiss vote on Christians and other minorities living freely among Muslim societies were ever considered.

Geert Wilders says the Netherlands should also ban the construction of minarets [AFP]

Whatever the outcome, the impact of this ban on Muslims in Switzerland in day-to-day terms will be almost negligible. Muslims pray in all sorts of buildings and in all sorts of venues, with minarets and without.

Indeed, figures suggest that most Western Muslims perform their daily prayers in buildings that are not classified as mosques in the first place. Which is why this was a non-starter on the scale of issues concerning the people of Switzerland; including Muslims.

Consider the referendum's timing: It comes following the so-called war on terror and coincides with the rise of far-right and fascist groups.

The timing coupled with the racist and inflammatory discourse that has guided this process, the images that adorn the campaign posters as well as those who have promoted this ban, indicate that Europe is in the throes of an Islamophobic trend gathering pace as a result of the gross failures of official economic, social and political policies.

Already, celebratory remarks from far-right and racist figures, including Heinz-Christian Strache, the leader of the radical-right Austrian Freedom Party, and Marine Le Pen, the vice-president of France's National Front, have reverberated from various corners of the European continent.

Dutch deputy Geert Wilders' Party for Freedom has gone as far as to suggest that they will be following the example of their Swiss compatriots and pursuing a ban on mosque minarets in the Netherlands. The pioneers of Europe's enlightenment movement must be turning in their graves.

Integrating Muslims in Europe

While I acknowledge statements made by various commentators regarding the need for the Muslim community in Switzerland (and throughout Europe) to do more to integrate and prove their worth to their respective societies, I would warn against asking too much of a community under so much scrutiny and pressure.

Building mosque minarets was never seen by Swiss Muslims as central to and inseparable from their faith or religious practise. Equivocally, Switzerland should not have made the banning of minarets a pivot about which it defines its national identity and culture.

The construction of minarets is a right - one that bears no effect whatsoever on the vast majority of the Swiss people. By voting to ban this right, it is Swiss - and Western - values which become poorer and less meaningful.

The only way forward is for a realisation that Europe is not built solely on a Judea-Christian heritage, but that Muslims too have played a vital and significant role in shaping modern day Europe through contributions of culture, arts, politics, law, theology, science, medicine and dozens of other disciplines.

There must be a realisation too that the 30 million or so European Muslims have become part of the European social fabric, through an invaluable contribution which they have made over decades if not for centuries.

By singling them out as suspects and potential enemies within, European societies are creating wide-spread instability and future uncertainty for everyone on the social, economic and political levels.

For a Europe that still commemorates the tragedies that occurred when it played host to a concerted attack on one of its own communities nearly 70 years ago, it is a serious over-sight and a case of horrific negligence to allow the same to happen again, only against a different victim.

I will use my view of the direction America has gone to answer the Swiss vote against Minarets. Most people love freedom. The majority of immigrants to America came here to have freedom and contrary to the current teaching, also to have Religious freedom. That Religion being Christianity. These people strive to integrate in society and accept it's practices. They wanted something their home country didn't have or wouldn't allow, but you must remember, a Republic or a Democratic type of government will only work when you have a moral society. God establish the Judea-Christian Religion. That's what makes it different. All other Religions were created by man. Now all you hear is equal rights, human rights and you're a racist if you are against anything outside the boundaries of God's Commandments. The people today who are yelling the loudest about their rights are for rights outside what God would have us to do. For a Christan society Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except thru Him. Illegal immigrants from Mexico have flooded this country so they cannot assimilated. They are here only for financial gains. Muslims and other nationalities that come to America today but bring all their practices and customs with them. Why then did the leave their homeland? Do they want to change something in their lives or change the country they came to. Our Nation has been destroyed from within, by people who came here not to assimilate but to destroy the foundation of our Country. Doesn't each nation have a right to self government. Certain groups of people in America are working around the clock trying to remove anything connected with Jesus and Christianity from America. They talk about your rights and their rights. The only rights you have is from God. All you need to do is read the Bible . If you followed the Ten Commandments as a guideline for living your life, you would need no other rights. If Muslims want to continue practing Islam, one wonders why they left their homeland. Don't they want to be closer to Mecca and father away from infidels. You can say NO to change and not be a racist. I do not recognize my country today. it has become a godless nation of filth and immorality. Islam is not the answer. God establish his CHURCH. All other temples are for pagan worship by a man-made religion. What does Light have in common with Darkness? It's like marriage. A union between man and woman was established by God. Some people think they know more than God and and try to change it. Saying no is not being racist. Not all Rights are right. The equal rights movement leaves out one important thing. God and morality, they are inseparable.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A civilian National Security Force

A national security force to control who? The American people? That's the way Socialism works. By force.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Building codes?

Minaret ban marks start of tough Swiss debate on Islam
By Imogen Foulkes
BBC News, Geneva

In Switzerland the soul-searching has begun following Sunday's nationwide referendum in which voters surprisingly backed a plan to ban the construction of minarets.
Existing minarets on Swiss mosques will not be removed. No-one can quite understand how a proposal widely regarded even by its supporters as destined for failure at the ballot box actually came to be passed.
That, however, according to political analysts, may have been part of the problem.
Opinion polls showing a majority of voters would reject a ban were only to be expected, says Zurich political scientist Michael Hermann, when most of the Swiss media had already categorised a ban on minarets as politically incorrect and its supporters stupid.
"People aren't necessarily going to tell pollsters the truth if they think it makes them look ignorant and intolerant," explained Mr Hermann.
Unease underestimated
What many Swiss politicians are beginning to realise this morning is that they underestimated the concern among their population about integration of Muslims in Switzerland, and about possible Islamic extremism.
My fear is that the younger generation will feel unwelcome. Elham Manea Forum for a Progressive Islam says, so while the right-wing Swiss People's Party campaigned hard, warning in meetings up and down the country of the possible introduction of Sharia law in Switzerland, the middle ground and left-wing parties did very little.
There were few posters, and none to compete with the People's Party's eye-catching and controversial offering, which showed a woman shrouded in a black burka, a map of Switzerland behind her, black minarets shooting out of it like missiles.
Elham Manea, founder of the Forum for a Progressive Islam - an organisation dedicated to Muslim integration in Switzerland - is disappointed not just with the outcome of the vote, but with the debate around it.
"The way the discussion was conducted was simply polemic," she said.
"We didn't ask the right questions, when we talked about integration problems for immigrants with an Islamic background.
"For example what is the size of political Islam, how big is the problem of forced marriage? Do we have that problem? Yes we do, we know we do, but which groups are practising it, and how do we deal with it?"
The problem for Ms Manea, and many Swiss Muslims, is that the ban on minarets does not really address any of these problems and may even isolate the community still further.
"My fear is that the younger generation will feel unwelcome," she said.
"It's a message sent to them that you are not welcome here as true citizens of this society and that could leave the ground open for Islamic extremist groups who are just waiting to exploit that sort of frustration for their own ends."
Nervous government
Meanwhile Swiss cabinet ministers who had advised, and confidently expected, voters to reject a ban, have woken up to newspaper headlines calling the referendum a slap in the face for the government, and a "catastrophe" for Switzerland.
[The vote is] a clear sign that the Muslim community must get on with integrating itself right away .
Hermann Leu Thurgau People's Party representative quote:
They are now facing the delicate task of explaining the voters' decision to Muslim countries with whom Switzerland has traditionally good trade relations. Within government circles, there is the expectation that these relations will be damaged and that the Swiss economy may suffer as a result.
So concerned is the government by the decision that Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer Schlumpf, watching the results come in on Sunday afternoon, apparently told her advisers there ought to be some restrictions on what the general public can actually vote on.
This, for Switzerland, is political dynamite. The country's system of direct democracy is sacrosanct. The people are allowed to vote on any policy and to propose policy themselves, which is what they did on minarets.
The fact that there is little evidence of Muslim extremism in Switzerland and that the banning of minarets would be unlikely to prevent extremism even if it did exist, does not really matter. The real issue is that there was clearly unease among the Swiss population, particularly among rural communities, about Islam.
The People's Party played on those fears while the Swiss government did not address them at all. Now Switzerland's image abroad, and its relations with its own Muslim community, may bear the consequences.
There are already indications that, buoyed by the size of the vote in favour of the ban, the Swiss People's Party is planning further measures.
Hermann Leu, a local People's Party representative from Thurgau canton, described the size of the vote in favour as "a clear sign that the Muslim community must get on with integrating itself right away".
Proposals from some towns include banning the burka, setting up committees to identify imams who preach "hate", detaining and deporting them, and banning school dispensations in which Muslim children stay away from swimming lessons or take time out for prayers.
Switzerland's debate about Islam has now well and truly begun but perhaps not in the way Swiss Muslims would have wished it.
You will see the World condemn Switzerland for going against the New World Order. In the New World Order you can only pass bans on things related to Christianity.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Global Warming Hoax

If a countries government can make the world a better place, just think how a World Government will improve your life. Leaders from all over the world are going to meet in Copenhagen to save the world from Global Warming. Of course Global Warming is man's fault so government can fix it. This way government can exert more control over it's population. And control of the people is what it's all about. Let's say that the sun was causing Global Warming. If so, the world government's would be powerless to do anything. So the sun can't be the problem. All of the worlds problems must be caused by something that Government can put their hands on. Why? Now here is where most people will have a problem. It all comes down to Man's rebellion against God. Good versus Evil. Governments removes God so that they can become God. Just like what has happen in America especially over the last 60 years. Only man can solve your problems. You do not need God, so we remove God. But remember, true freedom comes from God. All governments do is eventually enslave people. Of course it's all being done for you, because your Government loves you so much. Trust Christ, not the Anti-Christ.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Devvy Kidd's Commentaries

Devvy Kidd
Updated October, 2006

Americans who understand the 'big picture' know that anyone who is speaking out about the mechanisms in place destroying this country and the massive power grabs by Congress to centralize every facet of American life under a totalitarian government are aware that:

The dominant media is compromised and that includes cable, i.e. FOX, CNN, MSNBC. You will never see me, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Dr. Carolyn Dean, Bill Benson or any other individual on Hannity & Colmes, Bill O'Reilly, Dan Abrams, Paula Zahn or any others. Fox News might be fair and balanced in many areas, but that network is owned by a big time new world order player, Ruppert Murdoch. He isn't about to allow any programming on his network that is contrary to the goals of achieving a one world government.

The nightly propaganda machines (ABC, NBC, CBS) are viewed by roughly 30 million Americans every evening who get nothing but a minute or two of carefully chosen "news" by the elite that they want the American people to have. Cable is a bit more diverse, but none of them will touch any guest who is trying to warn the American people about all the real dangers facing this republic and who is orchestrating events.

The dominant newspapers in this country are all owned by monstrous conglomerates. Journalists like me, Dennis Cuddy, Frosty Wooldridge and others will never get our columns published in the LA Times, Chicago Sun Times, SF Chronicle and so on. Forget it. There are a few excellent newspapers out there, i.e. The Idaho Observer, but unlike USA Today, another rag, the owners of The Idaho Observer don't have the funding to go national.

Talk radio is dominated by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and other neutralizers. If you add up the number of stations just those three are syndicated on, it's in the hundreds and hundreds.

Americans are pressed for time every day. They are stuck in commute traffic for 30 minutes or an hour each way to work and then back home. Between family obligations and the fact that unless you have a few hundred thousand dollars to drop on mainstream advertising mediums, the chances of ten or twenty million people clicking on to or are slim. Contact usually comes from word of mouth or hearing a columnist on one of those radio shows that can't get syndicated. Most Americans simply don't have time to surf the Internet or if they do use the Net with their limited time, they have set sites they quickly check for some news or shopping.

Here is the link to all of Devy Kidd's past articles. You will find answers to any subject matter thats on your mind.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Be happy, don't worry, continue to watch American Idol and NFL Sunday Ticket


By Paul Walter
March 11, 2009

A dire warning, from a man born and raised under communism.

Something is very, very wrong. This article is meant to get your attention. It is meant to scare you into finally seeing what is happening all around you. What you are trying so very hard to ignore. The things discussed here are real. They are documented fact. For the sake of everything you hold dear, your children and your grandchildren, please read this article with an open mind, then check the facts for yourself. What you do after that is between you and God.


In a communist/socialist country there is no such thing as private enterprise. Everything is either owned or controlled by the government. The socialists are taking over America through the bailouts. The bailout money comes with strings. Through the strings and mandates that come with the money the government becomes your partner. It’s called “Public Private Partnership.” Create the financial crises, offer the solution (bailout money) and you have a complete totalitarian state.

These huge bailout/stimulus packages will create hyperinflation and result in a worldwide economic disaster dwarfing the Great Depression. It will indenture you, your children, and your children’s children under Socialist tyranny.

Public Private Partnership is the marriage between Fascism and Communism. Under this diabolical partnership the business owner will have an illusion of owning his or her business, same as the property owner has when it comes to owning your own home after it’s paid off. Silly? Stop paying your property taxes and you’ll see what I mean. When this economy collapses, and you’ll find yourself without a job and can’t pay your property tax for what ever the reason, the vary same government officials that are constantly begging for more and more money for raises and lavish benefits, living off your taxes, will evict you from your own home. Count on it!


Socialism is the core, guiding philosophy behind Marxism/Communism and Fascism, which are two flavors of the same tyrannical system of government. Since there is not a dimes worth of difference between them, I use the term Socialism interchangeably. Adherents of this political philosophy in America called themselves “Progressives.” These same self-proclaimed secular humanists continue to attack traditional marriage, between one man and one woman. They attack traditional churches, especially those that take a stand against same sex marriage. In our public schools, they promote, sexual perversion, and pornography to our children, warping their impressionable minds. All under the guise of “education,” is nothing less then taxpayer financed brainwashing.


Government officials across the country are considering charging us a new tax for every mile we drive. How many more taxes do we have to pay before we end up wearing rags and living in hovels? Government officials don’t care about you. They only care about themselves. They will tax and tax you until you stand up and say enough.

Trial by jury is slowly being eliminated. What’s taking its place is trial by judge, via a closed circuit TV. Why? Because judges, like other government officials, are becoming afraid of the people.


Have you noticed that two out of three TV commercials push pills? America has become a nation of drug addicts, legal and illegal.

Genetically modified foods (GMOs) are being pushed on everyone, but they have unknown health risks and offer government the ability to control food supplies.


Farmers are being denied water for food production, all in the name of saving endangered fish. This is already leading to food shortages and skyrocketing prices. Starvation of biblical proportions is on the horizon. All created by radical environmentalists.

Untested vaccines, containing deadly ingredients like mercury, are one epidemic “scare” away from being forced on the population by the cops, all in the name of public health.


Under Stalin and Hitler, all citizens were mentally evaluated. Plans are already underway to require every American be mentally evaluated. Of course, mental health evaluators and other government officials are exempt. You don’t expect them to evaluate themselves, do you? Government officials and mental health experts will decide who’s mentally stable and who isn’t. To understand more what the social planners have in store for you and me read Beverly Eakman's latest article "High-Tech Marxism Comes to America."


The president is already calling for every citizen to have free national (Socialized) health care. This won’t be free. It will cost this country trillions of dollars! Even worse is the government control that comes with it. People will be told what they must weigh, the kinds of food they can (or cannot eat). Smoking will be outlawed, even in one’s own home. Anyone caught with an alcoholic beverage, smoking, or eating what the government has forbidden, will be denied health care. Government control of health care will result in the most deadly tyranny imaginable. Of course, they are counting on the loyalty of the police to enforce it.


Marxism, Socialism and Fascism are not natural forms of governing. They can only exist by force. Both political philosophies require a Police State to survive. Police are used to oppress their own people who resist. Brainwashed enforcers have been selling their souls, for a paycheck, for centuries. Two thousand years ago Roman Centurions (cops), “following orders,” nailed Jesus to a cross. Dictators don’t do their own dirty work. They use ignorant fools who blindly follow their orders.

Today, honest and decent cops with a conscience are either fired or leave law enforcement because they cannot carry out the orders to abuse their fellow citizens. Have you noticed that majority of cops today have an elitist attitude and are becoming meaner and cold hearted? They look down on people, everyone is a potential criminal, considered guilty of something. They are serving and protecting an increasingly corrupt system.

Community Oriented Policing is a communist inspired system. It is designed for the police to know everything about you. Your business is “their business,” all in the name of stopping crime. The core effort of this program requires that neighbor’s spy on each other, reporting unusual behavior to their “neighborhood policeman.” All that information is entered into a national database, so Big Brother knows all and sees all. Grants Pass Police already have Community Policing program in place.


The Real I.D. Act is now federal law. It requires every state issue new, driver’s license’s that meet federal rules. Oregon has already agreed to cooperate, but does not have the money to begin the changeover. These new “Federalized” driver’s license’s will have micro-chips that will contain all of your personal information, from your address, Social Security Number, medical records, etc. They are National I.D.’s, providing a centralized mechanism for State control of your life.

Since the National I.D./drivers licenses can be lost, forged or stolen, Their next step will be to microchip people. The FDA is implementing a new law, requiring every domestic animal in the country to be micro-chipped. In Japan, parents are told to microchip their children, to prevent kidnapping. People today are considered a ‘human resource’ by government. The next step is to microchip every human being.

A recent article in the Chicago Tribune reported that the Mayor of Chicago vowed to have cameras on every street corner. Why do politicians want you under constant surveillance? Because they are afraid of you, the People. Wouldn’t you be afraid in their place, once the People started to catch on to how they have been betrayed, lied to and taken advantage of?


Every thing is already in place for martial law here in the United States. All we need is the right contrived crisis, whether it’s another “attack” on our soil, a health “crisis,” or a “managed” monetary collapse, martial law will be imposed. Will you submit, go along with this farce? If not, be advised that retired police officers around the country are telling NewsWithViews that they have been notified that civil unrest is on the horizon and that they may be called back to duty.


Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting Communism and Fascism, to stop these tyrannies from coming to our shores. Now you are silent in America’s hour of need. Worse yet, some of your children (brainwashed in public schools) are actual domestic enemies, paving the way for the destruction of America.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear." -- Cicero (106-43 BC)

Hasn’t history taught you people anything? Where is your love for American?

Will our police officers and soldiers prove to be liberty loving Americans or servants of tyranny? When their time of decision comes, I pray they realize their children will lose their freedoms as well.

If you are a soldier or policeman who denies freedom to others, what will you do when someone just like you comes for your kids? And they will. By serving these new American Communists, you have already proven to them you cannot be trusted to keep an oath.

Tyranny can only exist under a police state. Wake-up! Stop it now, while you still can, by standing up to your pastor and local government corruption. You are being set up and sold out by the very people you elected to protect your freedoms.

The destruction of America is coming through the “Unholy Trinity,” (Modern day Scribes and Pharoses); the compromised political leaders, their obedient police force, and above all, your SILENT LUKEWARM CHURCH LEADERSHIP.
REMEMBER: It's not a Democrat/Republican thing. "Socialism needs two legs on which to stand; a right and a left. While appearing to be in complete opposition to one another, they both march in the same direction." Paul Proctor

Monday, November 23, 2009

Part 12 The End - Ocracoke Island

Ocracoke Island

Hatteras ferry

Swan Quarter ferry
Cedar Island ferry

At the south end of Hatteras Island you can take the ferry to Ocracoke Island. Only accessible by plane or ferry, it's the southern end of the outer banks with paved roads. It's as back to nature as you can get. This end my series on the Outer Bank, the jewel of the east coast.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Part 11 The Year 1961 - The Outer Banks

Wright Brothers visitor center

Wright Brothers Memorial

Kill Devils Hill
Oregon Inlet rest area

Oregon Inlet campground, no hotel on the banks

Oregon Inlet ferry to Hatteras

Cape Hatteras

Cape Hatteras Nat'l seashore

My playground

From lighthouse looking north

From lighthouse looking south

The time on the Outer Banks I'm most fond of is the 1950's and early 1960's. That was when you felt like it was your personal playground. Sometimes you had a beach all to yourself. You could collect sea shells by the bucket full right off the beach. Here is how I remember the different areas.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Part 10 Hatteras Island - The outer Banks

Hatteras Island

Endless beaches

Rodanthe N.C.

Avon N.C.

Cape Hatteras

Old lighthouse location

New lighthouse location

Lighthouse view looking north

Lighthouse view looking south

Once you cross Oregon Inlet you are on Hatteras Island. You now have more of the natural beauty and less development. Hatteras Island has an interesting history. See

Friday, November 20, 2009

Part 9 - Oregon Inlet - The Outer Banks

Oregon Inlet is an inlet along North Carolina's Outer Banks and was created during a fierce hurricane in 1846 that also reopened Hatteras Inlet, and is named for the first vessel to pass through it, the side-wheel steamer Oregon. It joins the Pamlico Sound with the Atlantic Ocean and separates Bodie Island from Pea Island and Hatteras Island, which are connected by a 2.5 mile bridge that spans the inlet. As one of the few access points to the ocean along this stretch of coast, Oregon Inlet is a major departure point for charter fishing trips, with a nearby harbor serving as the base for many large boats that travel miles out towards the Gulf Stream almost every day. Oregon Inlet is the northern-most inlet in North Carolina.
The inlet is spanned by the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge, which opened in 1963 and was named in honor of a local Congressman from Washington, N.C. Prior to that, Toby Tillett operated a barge ferry service to take cars and passengers back and forth.
Oregon Inlet is spanned by North Carolina Route 12 over the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge. The environment’s impact on the bridge and road was not fully understood at the time of construction, and now constant beach erosion, severe weather and high volume of traffic continually forces the state to protect the integrity of the road system. As much as $50 million was spent between 1987 and 1999 to repair and protect the Bonner Bridge and NC 12 from the ocean.
Inlets tend to migrate to the south and Oregon Inlet is no exception. Since its creation, it has moved some two miles, some 66 feet a year and greatly change it's appearance. In 1990 a terminal groin was built to halt the migration of the southern portion of the inlet and to secure the southern terminus of the Bonner Bridge. A dredge maintains the inlet's channel, which is always shoaling with the ever-moving sand created by the outflow.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Part 8 Kitty Hawk - The Outer banks

1931 Bridge
Kitty Hawk 1950's

Wright memorial Bridge
Above is Kill Devils Hill, below is the Wright Brothers memorial
North of Nags Head is Jockey's Ridge SP, Kill Devils Hill; site of the first airplane flight, Kitty Hawk and other places of interest. Near Kitty Hawk is the Wright Memorial bridge. This crosses the Currituck Sound via U.S. Hwy 158. First bridged across in 1931, this was one of the earliest access via a bridge to the Outer banks. Vacationers from Virginia and northward were the first to have easy access to the beaches.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Part 7 Nags Head - The Outer Banks

Like no other place, the Outer Banks.