Sunday, July 1, 2012

Christianity - The final solution

First they came for our children's minds by removed prayer from schools, and I did not speak out---
     because I had better things to do;
Then they banned Bible Study from schools, and I did not speak out---
     because it wasn't that important;
Then they banned the teaching of Creation in schools, and I did not speak out---
because I thought Evolution might be true;
Then they banned Nativity Scenes from schools or on any government property, and I did not speak out---
     because no one else seem to be worried;
Then they removed the Ten Commandments from schools and any government property, and I did not speak out---
     because other's criticized me,
Then they banned public prayer and the public display of crosses, and I did not speak out---
     because I was too embarrassed to complain,
Then they banned teaching Bible principles and Salvation with hate crime laws, and I did not speak out---
     because I was afraid,
Then they banned Christianity, and I did not speak out---
     because it was passed into law, so what could I do,
They they came for me---
     because I am a Christian, and I did not speak out; because I was killed for my belief.