Thursday, December 20, 2012

Islamic Bees

Since Obama has devoted more time to the needs of Muslims than African Americans since becoming President the NAACP has showed it's displeasure by petitioning The Smithsonian Institute to change the scientific name of the Africanized bees to Islamitized bees. They feel this would better reflect the nature of killer bees because you'll notice that,  'if you make one bee mad, the whole tribe goes beserk'.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Muslim President

Four more years and he will be able to say, "mission accomplished".

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Americans - blind, deaf and dumb

Americans are proof that Evolution is a lie. In evolution things evolve from no intelligence to intelligent life. Here we find that where once there was intelligence, now there is only brainless Eloi being controlled by the Morlocks. (The Time Machine 1960)
You are being sacrificed for the New World Order. The only way to save yourself is not to trust Man but to Repent and turn back to God.