Saturday, August 23, 2014

America's 4 Horseman of the Appocalypse

There are many things they have in common. One is the New World Order which means the destruction of America. Look at our Immigration policy. Don't worry, I know you can't because we don't have one. We have a policy which lets those in who need Government welfare. We let people in who want to build a terrorist base and anyone who is alien to the morals and values; sadly the ones we use to have.
Now Obama can't wait to start bombing President Assad in Syria. I know, he said ISIS. But do you believe him?
Another thing these Presidents all seem to have in common is they seem to bomb our friends and not our enemies. Bush number 1 tried to get support to take out Iraq. How many of the WTC terrorist were from there. Clinton bomb the non Muslims in Bosnia war. Bush number 2 bombed Afghanistan and did overthrow Iraq. How many 911 terrorist  were from these countries.
Finally, Obama took out every Arab countries leader who were holding the Muslims in check. Like I said, he just can't wait to get Assad. I can here him now, "I just don't know why so many of our missiles hit Assad palace."
At least Israel attacks the terrorist where they are. And, the whole world condemns them for it.

Friday, June 13, 2014

American Government - Pawns for the New World Order

Mission accomplished. Here are just a few of the NWO puppets who have removed all the dictators keeping Islam under control. The American people are too blind to see what's going on. You have sacrificed you children and spouses supporting their military. There has been no legal or just war since WWII and even WWI and WWII are suspect. There is no such thing as democracy in Islam. Now with Islam retaking Iraq will the American people still blindly follow the governments demonic leadership. Probably so. We should get out of the middle east. Do not sacrifice any more Americans in our unjust wars.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Anti-Christ vs the Communist

It's Doctor Strangeglove meets Doctor No. Evil vs evil. Our zombie government; you can tell who they are by their eyes, are busy reshaping our world into a living nightmare. Did you know that besides destroying America and Israel Obama sent two billion dollars to Iraq to help them rebuild Babylon. If you don't know, Babylon rebuilt will be the end time Antichrist's world capital. It's a mad mad world.
Update: 3/4/14. The US today announced a $1billion aid package for Ukraine - while Secretary of State John Kerry visited the country.
Don't you fell better knowing where your taxes are going.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Movie Noah

What we need is separation of Church and Hollywood. One look at this picture is all that's needed to know this will not be a Biblical movie. Not to mention the storyline. Don't look to America's Sodom and Gomorrah for a Christian movie. God was the architect of the building of the Ark. I'm sure it didn't look like this log cabin. Early civilization was more intelligent than you think.

Friday, February 7, 2014

One Million Years BC
The prints were first noticed when a low tide uncovered them

The sea has now washed away the prints - but not before they were recorded

Scientists have discovered the earliest evidence of human footprints outside of Africa, on the Norfolk Coast in the East of England.
The footprints are more than 800,000 years old and were found on the shores of Happisburgh.
They are direct evidence of the earliest known humans in northern Europe.
This is the most ridiculous claim I have every heard. If you believe this then you are beyond hope. Your brainwashing is complete.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Liberal Arts Professors

'Man in underwear' rattles all-women's college.

A remarkably lifelike sculpture of a man sleepwalking in nothing but his underpants has made some Wellesley College students a bit uncomfortable, but the president of the prestigious women's school says that's all part of the intellectual process.
This is what happens when you have Liberal College Professor running our school system. This is what they call Art.
(FOX NEWS) A remarkably lifelike sculpture of a man sleepwalking in nothing but his underpants has made some Wellesley College students a bit uncomfortable, but the president of the prestigious women’s school says that’s all part of the intellectual process.
The sculpture entitled “Sleepwalker” of a man in an eyes-closed, zombie-like trance is part of an exhibit by sculptor Tony Matelli at the college’s Davis Museum. It was placed at a busy area of campus on Monday, a few days before the official opening of the exhibit, and prompted an online student petition to have it removed.
The sculpture is a “source of apprehension, fear, and triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault” for many, according to the petition, which had nearly 300 signees on Wednesday.


'Man in underwear' rattles all-women's college

Petition circulating to remove 'inappropriate' statue


'Man in underwear' rattles all-women's college

Petition circulating to remove 'inappropriate' statue


'Man in underwear' rattles all-women's college

Petition circulating to remove 'inappropriate' statue


'Man in underwear' rattles all-women's college

Petition circulating to remove 'inappropriate' statue


Monday, January 27, 2014

Carbon-14 dating

The world's oldest tree has been found on a mountain in central Sweden – and it is still growing.
The 9,500-year-old Norwegian Spruce was discovered by scientists at Umeå University during a 2004 tree census in Fulufjällets National Park in Sweden.
The age of the tree was established using carbon-14 dating at a laboratory in Miami, Florida after an investigation by the university.
Read more:
I had scientist carbon date my house. It dated 35 years old, but to my amazement the foundation dated 275 years old.