Friday, February 8, 2008

Michael Savage rejects the Truth

When Ann Coulter said "Christians were to witness to the World that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven", Savage said she was a fanatic. He made mute Christianity and that Jesus died for our sins. His listeners tried to call in to say that she was right but he told them that they were stupid to be so narrow minded and that any religion would get you to Heaven. Finally he stop taking their calls on the subject and continued to call Ann Coulter every name in the book.
Last thursday, when he talked about those who were running for president, he said all of them were socialist; not one conservative among them. Not once on his shows has he ever mention Ron Paul. He's ignored even mentioning his name just like the mainstream media does. I called his show and to my surprise I was able to get thru. I told the screener I wanted to tell him that Ron Paul held the same conservative views that he did. The screener said "We've had too many calls about Ron Paul" and hung up on me. So once again he snubbed his listeners. I think his actions will drive away some of his listening base. He's closed his ears to the Truth.


  1. Wow-- I had no idea he was so anti-Christian.

  2. I know what you mean genevieve, I think his Bible ends with the Old Testament.
