Sunday, March 23, 2008

If Black Americans had voted Republician

1865-1965 If you really researched history you would see that Racism and the KKK were primarily tools of the Democrat party. A party that controlled the South for a hundred years after the Civil war. All progress Blacks made were by conservatives. It's only that the liberal propaganda machine has lied and distorted the facts over the years that has deceived so many people. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. The Cross and the Confederate Flag had no connection with the KKK. The KKK was formed after the Civil War by democrats who hated Lincoln for freeing the blacks. These symbols were hijacked by the KKK. You must remember, lies and deceit are the liberals greatest weapon. One can only wonder how much better the issue of Race relations would be today. If you have read my blogs you know I do not write this in support of today's Republican party. I support neither party today because now Christianity is under attack and even the Republicans have contributed to this attack. Supporting article.


  1. I wonder if Obamma's Pastor ever mentioned this in his sermons. Obamma himself conveniently forgot to mention it in his big speech last week. Let the "healing" begin.

  2. Wow! When was Rice's post written? Much of the history in your post and in his post come so close to what I had discussed on my website in my discussion titled "Why?"..its uncanny! I believe you even left a comment there. I guess we're all on the same page..only at different times! LOL.

    Gotta agree with everything you posted here today!
