Friday, May 16, 2008

The price of stupidity

What led to our outrageous gas prices? The American voters! For the last 50 years at least 50% of the populace has voted for liberal socialist anti-American Democrats. Not only that but these same people took over the media and our schools. Most of these voters are middle and low income voters who suffer the most for this voting practice. Who was against Christianity being taught in our school. Who put insects, reptiles and animals over human needs. Who elected politician who voted against nuclear power, no offshore oil drilling, but supports everything that destroys America's Independence. Who pushed through converting food to oil when already there is a world food shortage, how insane. The democratic party has done more to destroy America's greatness because their core belief is based on Socialism. There is no Independence in Socialism. America lost the cold war against Communism. We let them become our teachers, politicians, judges and media Moguls.

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