Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Phony War on Drugs

Ramos and Compean learned the hard way that the Governments war on drugs was just a way to collect money and siege personal property and assets. For 30 years this phony war has been going on. One of Bush's henchman U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton sent a strong message to border guards, with the 10 year sentence of Ramos and Compean that they are not to interfere with the big picture. This sentence was just for wounding a drug dealer, who was set free for giving his lying testimony against the border guards. After being set free, he started hauling drugs again into the U.S.. No drug dealers who come in from Mexico receive a sentence like the one Ramos and Compean receive. Most are set free after a short jail term to resume their careers. Bush will not raise one finger to help these border guards.

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