Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Remembering 911

I guess it is fitting that on the 7th anniversary of the attack on America that I make the following comments. First there was Pearl Harbor, but what I consider much worse, the attack on 911. It seems that in America it's remember Pearl Harbor but forget 911. This said I will now say that the direction America has taken since 2001 has been more deadly than Pearl Harbor and 911 combined. Our biggest enemy has been the U. S. Government. George Bush is by far the worst President the U. S. has ever elected. Elected by conservatives to lead this country back to a sane, moral God fearing country he has been a complete failure. Our external enemies do not compare with the internal enemies that have infiltrated every segment of America. Truly a nation that will self destruct. Our congress is a joke. Our Supreme court a joke. Our laws a mockery of what is right and just. The Constitution is meaningless to our government. The ACLU and other Socialist groups and persons have done to America what aircraft carriers and passenger jets could not. Our news media spews forth constant deceit and lies. Our TV shows an open sewer system. Our society and schools have been corrupted beyond any normal persons thinking or reasoning. The hatred for America and Christianity by the left wing extremist and politicians knows no bounds. Our Children have been abused and brainwashed as much as any Palestinian child or those of islam. Is there any hope that either party running for President this year will make a difference. I'd give that a 10% chance of that happening maybe on the Republican side only because of Sarah Palin.

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