Friday, February 13, 2009

Big Bang

People believe in Evolution so that they won't have to use the brain that God gave them. What can I say, I'm only a dumb animal and I have the school system in place to back me up.What's the weather going to be like tomorrow? I can't tell you for sure what it's going to be but did you know there are black holes in space that light can't escape out of. Is that why you haven't seen the Light? Why hasn't there been a second Big Bang or would that be a gang bang? Why did, according to scientist, every step in Evolution come at the right moment? Meteor's brought water to earth; that's how we got our oceans? Talk about having Faith, even I have trouble with that one. The Bible, written thousands of years ago give you these answers to these questions. Even back then God knew He would have to put in an explanation about our oceans, He also said he created each animal and that they would reproduce their same species each time they mated. Turkey's didn't evolve from fierce Raptor creatures. Whales didn't previously have legs. Need I say more, I have many more facts. Let me know if you need them. Beware of the History, Discovery and Nat Geo channels teachings. Just enjoy the special effects.

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