Thursday, February 26, 2009

Talk Radio safe now

The 'Fairness Doctrine' today was voted down in Congress, including most Democrats voting against it. So now you think that Talk Radio will be safe for people like Savage, Rush and Beck. Well, not so fast. The Democrats in Congress knew that passing this bill to control free speech would go bad for them in the eyes of the public so they will let the courts do their dirty work for them. Just wait and see if now the courts get involved under the pretense of hateful or damaging speech against the well being of society. People seem to accept the loss of their rights and freedoms if it's made into law. The Socialist control the Television, Newspapers and partial control of who's books get printed. Just two more outlets to go for total control. That is Talk Radio and the Internet. Once it was book burning, now it requires control of all the various forms of media delivery.

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