Thursday, April 23, 2009

After the Flood

What kind of world would Noah see after the flood waters receded? Don't you think it's a bit odd that there are virtually NO Public debates between evolution-believing scientists and Creation scientists? And considering the fact that roughly half of all scientists (and 90 % of the public) believe in (either spontaneous or slow) Creation this is even more astounding.
What are evolution-believing scientists and the mass media so afraid of? In other words: IF the theory of evolution is anywhere near as sound as they (want us to) believe, then why not have some publicly televised debates on this issue?
And why are virtually all media "reporters" afraid to give Creationist Scientists ANY of their time? Are they simply afraid that the facts might upset their "faith" (or lack of it), or are they afraid that their liberal bosses and co-workers won't approve of what they might Discover: that is, IF they were to actually report on what they found? And that is a mighty BIG IF isn't it?

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