Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Enemy of a Socialist America

Above is the final solution for so called Right Wing extremist. How can you tell if you are one?

Are you a Christian and believe in the Bible? You are the enemy.

Do you believe in the Right to bear arms? You are the enemy.

Are you against illegal immigration? You are the enemy.

Do you support ban on same sex marriage? You are the enemy.

Are you against abortion? You are the enemy.

Do you believe homosexuals should not be teaching your children? You are the enemy.

Are you against Socialist brainwashing in our school system? You are the enemy.

Are you a military veteran? You are the enemy because of you military training.

Do you believe in 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness' and are against Federal Government control beyond the limits of our Constitution? You are the enemy.

Government offices like the Dept. of Homeland Security, laws like the 'patriot act' and 'hate crimes bill' will be used against Law biding citizens.

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