Friday, May 22, 2009

Go Green - Oh say can you see----forever

One day soon, socialist liberals in America will change the dating system of how we keep time. The plan calls for beginning on Jan. 1, 2012 the date will read 2012 AC. Any date before 2012, like 2004 or 1978 will be 2004 BCE or 1978 BCE. What will cause this historical event? It will be the results of their 50 year effort to rid the world of cars. AC denotes 'After Cars'; BCE is 'Before Cars Eliminated'. Rising gas prices, no drilling, environmental rules, stupid laws and regulations have seceded in the elimination of the automobile. From now on citizens will walk and Government officials will fly to where ever they need to go. The National Anthem, "Oh say can you see----" wording will be change to reflect the new vision for America, an unlimited vision at that.

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