Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Trying to prove God doesn't exist

CERN, a 17 mile long super collider located on the border of France and Switzerland. The latest in a series of projects covering the last 50 years and costing over 10 trillion dollars so far. This super collider is a consortium of European and Asian countries. Whats it all about? They are trying to prove how life began. Just like the space program, in which all the money is being spent in hope of finding life on another planet so they can say that thru a natural process life began. Then they can say, " You see, the Bible is wrong. Life is everywhere and it's a natural process. It has nothing to do with God." They are now in the process of starting it up. So far, even though they claim freedom of information about the project, things have been pretty quite. I guess God still has them stumped.

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