Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christianity has power over religion

Christianity has power over religion
A friend of mine and I were recently discussing Genesis 4 about the first family's sons Cain and Abel.
This story is imperative to one who is seeking a relationship with Jesus. It is simple: There is nothing that can save us from disaster like the blood of Jesus Christ. In his blood, we have power (1 Corinthians 3:10-14).
People who seek self power are being misled by evil that will have them selling their soul. Simon the Sorcerer also wanted God's power, thinking that he could simply buy it. You cannot buy God's power. The only way you can get to God is through Jesus.
-->Cain failed in trying to do things his way. His offering was turned down by God because he offered God an offering from the ground that God had already cursed. Cain simply refused to give God his "first fruits."
Abel gave God his first fruits. He offered an animal that was not cursed. God requires a blood sacrifice. There is nothing stronger than the blood of Jesus, and he has already offered up himself for us to be saved. There is no greater sacrifice.
So, if you know someone who is meeting in the woods having animal sacrifices, you can be sure that it is a sin and an abomination to the Lord (Hebrews 10:4).
As my friend says, "Anything that you have to hide is a sin."
Ask Adam and Eve. They actually thought the leaf was sufficient. Religion is not sufficient. It is man's way of worship. It is legalistic and ritualistic.
The word says, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty." Religion is man's way of offering up praise and worship in man's own way and not God's.
I choose Christianity over religion. Religion is boring, dead and experiences no power. Speak the blood of Jesus. Place it over your life, your children and household like Israel did during Passover. Trust God.
The Rev. Esther Scott can be reached at

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