Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ancestors or homeless people

Archaeologist always jump for joy when they find some bones in a cave. Next thing you know they discovered it was one of our ancestors. Thru their "holy grail" carbon dating, they find out that this cavemen is 2.5 million years old, give or take a million. With just a few bones they create a complete skeleton. And now they decide that all of our ancestors were cavemen.
There are cavemen today, and there will always be cavemen. We now call them homeless persons. There’s always somebody who has no interest in living in a suburban home, driving a car, owning a television set, having a family. They deliberately choose to live that way.
What if the people we call cavemen—the ones famous for making cave drawings, the ones purported to be our knuckle-dragging, club-toting ancestors—were actually just a very few solitary hermits who lived in caves because they couldn't stomach punching a clock in the civilized society of the day?
What if we believe that all early humans were illiterate neo-gorilla troglodytes scratching out a meager existence because practically all other evidence of advanced, multimillion-year-old civilization is completely buried under billions of tons of sedimentary rock? Plus how could the bones survive if they are as old as they say. It's been reported that carbon 14 dating has a limited range of accurate dating. If they were correct, then ancient bones should be everywhere because there were a lot of people back then and many cities. Remember the tower of babel? I think it is a stretch of your imagination to make a complete profile of our civilization with just a few scattered animal bones. Our ancestors were not intelligent monkeys but intelligent humans capable of great things. Remember, we were created in the image of God.

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