Monday, November 16, 2009

I can see clearly now

Have you notice that every time the Arabs want to show how much land the Palestinians lost due to the UN resolution setting up the state of Israel they always start out in 1946 with a green map. To correctly understand the problem, you should go back to 946 BC, not 1946. Even earlier, God promise this land to Abraham. See now there is no loss of Palestinian land. It was never theirs. God gave Israel this land plus much more, including all of Jordan, Lebanon and most of Syria. A large part of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and some of Egypt.


  1. 'God gave Israel this land'

    Is this the same God who said it okay for them to massacre the original inhabitants of this land, even the women and children (e.g. Jericho)?

    Doesn't sound like a God whom we should bother listening to if you ask me.

  2. If you understood Biblical history and knew Jesus you would Listen.

  3. The Palestinians are genetic descendents of the Israelis of old FYI. If you want to give the people that once were the ancient Israelis land, then give the Palestinians it. The Jews that populate Israel today are Europeans or from other parts of the ME (Yemenis, Moroccans, etc). They are not the same people that fled Egypt at the time of the the Pharaohs.

  4. The Palestinians decended from Ishmael. God promise the land to the decendents of Isaac.

  5. I'm from England. I'm descended from the Normans that conquered the country in 1066. As I'm descended from the people that once upon a time lived in Normandy, that means that by your logic I can go there, take the land of its inhabitants, and at the same time oppress and kill them - does that sound reasonable...?

  6. “The extended kingdoms of David and Solomon, on which the Zionists base their territorial demands, endured for only about 73 years...Then it fell apart...[Even] if we allow independence to the entire life of the ancient Jewish kingdoms, from David’s conquest of Canaan in 1000 B.C. to the wiping out of Judah in 586 B.C., we arrive at [only] a 414 year Jewish rule.” Illene Beatty, “Arab and Jew in the Land of Canaan.”

  7. Both the Arab and the Jew are out of the will of God. But, God's word is Truth and 'His Will' will be done. I'm sorry you don't agree; but there is nothing I can do. What He says that will happen in the future will happen.

  8. Did you have think about the originally content of the Bible that we used now? Why it have many version? It already manipulated by Jewish for their advantage. In this case "Israel is a aggressor for Palestinians land". - from INDONESIA

  9. The accuracy of the King James version has been proven because they have been compared with the manuscripts of the 1st and 2nd century. Most of the translations of the last 50 years have been altered.God in his infinite wisdom gave us His written Word so that we would not be decieve by man. God, the creator of this world will one day rule from Jerusalem. Jews and Palestinians both will bow down and worship Him only.

  10. In the old testament it says that Israel can't legitimately exist until until the messiah brings peace to the region. I don't see any messiah, and I certainly see no peace, so even if you're going to try and use 'God's Word' as a valid argument (which quite frankly is just ridiculous), then you are still in the wrong, and the state of Israel doesn't exist legitimately by its own scripture.

  11. and also James, I find it amusing that you having trouble finding any valid rebuttal to these comments - please come up with an actual response, rather than resorting to cliched religious babble

  12. So where did these so called “Palestinians” come from?

    At one time, before Yasi Arafat came on the scene, I had many Arab friends in Israel. That was before Arafat infected so many of them with such a hatred for the Israelis. I remember on one occasion asking one of them where the Palestinians came from. He told me that his father was from Syria and his mother from Saudi Arabia. Curious, I asked another of my friends and he told me his family was from Iraq. Another said his mother was Lebanese and his father was Egyptian. Not one of their families was native to Israel. Incredulous, I asked if they knew any families who had lived in Israel for a long time. They mentioned the Kourie family who had lived in Jerusalem for three of four generations. But it did not amount to much more than that. So, how is it possible that the United States government has been fooled into thinking that Israel has occupied Palestinian lands if there has never been a country called Palestine with an Arab government, parliament, flag and official borders and there are only a handful of families who have actually lived there for more than a few generations?

    Perhaps we should ask a member of the P.L.O about this. After all, it was the P.L.O. who first championed the so called Palestinian rights and brought these people to the attention of the world by hijacking aircraft and murdering passengers.

    On March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with P.L.O. executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. In which he said he said:

    “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.

    For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.”

    It is true that some Muslims have lived in Israel ever since the Muslim invasion of the seventh century but, most of the time; it was only a handful of them. Frankly, they did not want the land because it was largely barren after the Romans sought to purge the Land of Jews between 70 and 73 following the destruction of the Temple in the year 70. Some Jews escaped and stayed in Jerusalem and nearby towns guarding their God-given right to the Holy Land and the Holy City.

    A few Arab nomadic shepherds and traders crossed the land moving in and out with their sheep and camels and trading with the Jews. Some of the Arabs actually settled in the Jewish villages and were welcomed as a part of the community. But there were always Jews living in the Land and there was always a steady stream of Jews coming back from the Diaspora drawn by the magnet of Jerusalem.

    Those of you who would like more detail of the continuous Jewish presence in the Land can see a wonderful essay with many maps on the website
    What does the Khoran say about the Land?

    Well, believe it or not the Khoran states emphatically that the Land belongs to the Jews.

  13. The Khoran is actually a collection of writings by many people and the teachings of Mohammed. It also includes some works of science and parts of the mystic writings of eastern religions known in the seventh century. Many people would be surprised to learn that it also contains verses from the Bible and reveres some biblical prophets as prophets of Islam. However the following verses will come as a real shocker to most people.

    Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: ‘Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel].”

    There is an amazing Imam living in Italy and actually he is head of the Italian Islamic Union. I say he is amazing because he fully believes in and teaches Zionism and absolutely believes that the Jews are the rightful heirs to the Promised Land. The only mystery is how he has lived this long with such profoundly pro-Jewish statements. To see his thesis on “What the Qur’an really says” (Qur’an is just another translation of Khoran or Koran) please go to this website because he can say it far better than I.

    And to see a video of him in Hevron visit
    Can the Muslims claim the land through Ishmael?

    Some people including many Muslims stake a claim for the Arabs through the line of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and his wife’s Egyptian servant Hagaar. The thinking is that if God promised Abraham that his family would be a blessing to the whole earth and that anyone who blessed them would be blessed and those who cursed them would be cursed, that must include the children of Ishmael who in fact was Abraham’s first son. That theory does make sense using man’s logic. The truth is that God made an executive decision to separate the children of Yitsak (Isaac) from the Children of Ishmael. It doesn’t sound fair does it? But who are we to question the Wisdom of the Almighty? Take a look at Genesis Chapter 17.

    18And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee!

    19And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

    20And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.

    21But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

    So God, Himself, refused to give the Abrahamic Blessing to Ishmael and the Arabs. Instead they received all the oil in the deserts of Arabia. Well, of course, the Muslims have their own story of this covenant. They believe that Ishmael received the Covenant. They also claim that it was Ishmael who was taken and almost sacrificed by Abraham on Mount Moriah, later to be called the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. But remember one thing, the Bible was written hundreds of years before Mohammed was born and he and the other Muslims scribes took the parts of the Bible and other books that they liked and changed the parts they did not like in the seventh and eighth centuries.

    If you want to call any group of people “Palestinians” it should be the Israelis.

    Any Questions?

  14. You are all basing your comments on books written by men. Old testament, New testament, Koran, Torah, all written by men. Corruptable men. Base your arguments on facts the laws of 946 B.C. are a bit different than the 20th century.

  15. And what do you base your comments on? Would it be the government school system? The Bible has withstood the test of time. The dating of the Bible has been proven correct. Over 300 prophecies have been proven to have come true. Even in science the probability of 300 prophecies coming true is mathematically possible according to science itself. For the natural man he cannot understand the Bible. The New Testament was written by people who were alive the time of Christ's crucifixion. He was seen by over 500 people after his resurrection and no one has denied this to be true. All other religions were written by dead man worshiping dead people. Allah can be compared to Jim Jones. The leader of a religion of death. Turn your life over to Christ. Asked him to come into your heart and he will open your eyes to the truth.

  16. CORRECTION: Even in science the probability of 300 prophecies coming true is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE according to science itself.

  17. I base my comments on tangible evidence not the 2nd hand story of something someone could not explain thousands of years ago. 300 prophecies? sure, I can bend a story to whatever outcome I choose as well. Nostradamus had some prophecies come true, is he the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ?

    Why Bring Allah and Islam into this discussion? or, why single that particular religion out? do you assume I am Muslim? You probably do. There are plenty of people that deny the events of the resurrection.

    Religion was created as an explanation to the then unexplained, a means of control, by men, to control other men and make themselves feel better about their insignificance in the universe.

    Please further explain your meaning behind the natural man cannot understand the bible. Is this a suggestion that those who accept and understand the bible are somehow more than natural? that can be understood in many a different way. I want to be sure I'm having an intelligent conversation with a christian or a futile argument with a cultist.

  18. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written about 40 different authors over almost 1900 years. The man writing this book wrote under the inspiration of God. It covers the beginning in Genesis goes all the way to Revelations in the things of the end of the age. God is outside the realm of time and he knows the beginning to the end. God cannot lie and Satan cannot tell the truth. Only by the indwelling spirit can your mind be open to the true word of God. Unlike Nostradamus God's prophecies are accurate and truthful. Check out this website
    You mentioned the Koran that is why I mention Allah and Islam. There is only one true God and his son Jesus Christ. All other religions are inspired by Satan who uses men who have rejected the one true God. Satan is the ruler of this world and as we near the end of time you will see the entire world turned against God and Christianity.

  19. All other religions are inspired by Satan? As I suspected, a futile argument with a cultist. God is supposed to be about love and understanding. That clearly is not your opinion. You didn't even address my question about being more than natural, which would lead me to believe you actually feel that way. People like you inspired the Spanish inquisition, People like you inspired witch hunts. people like you are the reason for horrible acts perpetrated in the name of God. you're a JOKE. A misguided, misunderstanding, close-minded, hateful joke. As I said before, Religion is an explanation for the, at the time. unexplained. Just like the rising of the sun was explained as a god picking up the Sun and holding it above his head, when he grew tired, the would lower the sun and do the same thing day after day.

    I Mentioned the Koran, the Torah and the bible. You jumped on Koran and Islam. I wonder why? you're that guy, you're the guy looking for a crusade against Islam and Muslims. It's probably not beyond your thinking to burn down a Mosque or a pile of Korans like that asshole preacher in the south. or to preach the "word of god" at worshipers going to mosque. If you truly believed in the word of God, if you can honestly call yourself a decent Christian, you would not belittle another's faith, you would not call other forms of worship inspired by the Devil. You would accept others as they are and live peacefully with them, not push your beliefs on them. I'm not a student of the bible, but I doubt there is a passage specifically stating to build a house of worship and contribute your money to it. God doesn't need money, he is everywhere and everything, right? Religion is a product of Man, Man is corruptible, hateful and envious. Spirituality is the way to go. you can believe in God and not go to church, you can pray and not have to sing along with everyone else.

    You represent EVERYTHING wrong with religion. I despise you and all you represent. You and others like you practicing all types of Religion are what is wrong with this world.

    End Religion, End the world's problems

  20. Spirituality is the way to go? Who in the world do you worship? What do you believe? I believe in the God of the Bible, Christ who died for our sins and the Holy Spirit who indwells the believer. Are you a Christian? You say,"I'm not a student of the bible". I believe you. You claim to know God. If so, where will you go when you die? If you can answer this then tell me how you know. I told you about my God and Savior and you call me a hater and a murderer. A man ask, what must I do to get to Heaven? Jesus said, "believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved Acts 16:31

  21. I was born a Christian. I never said I know God. I worship my family. I don't know where we go when we die, I suspect a hole in the ground.

    You have yet to address any questions posed to you. It seems that you are picking and choosing what questions you wish to respond. Keep thumping that bible and avoid this conversation.

    I stand by what I say. Religion is the root of the world's problems. You're coming off as "Holier than thou", believing in God, or Allah, Buddah or Satan does not make you a better person than anyone else who does not share your views. Isn't that how a little thing called the Crusades started??? All they had to do way back when was to accept each other's faiths and all would have been well. but thanks to Religion, "leaders" claimed it was the "will of God" to control Jerusalem, idiots. now don't forget to call me a devil worshiper or anti-whatever, Cultist.

  22. I read your last comment. I think I understand what you are saying now. I also believe that you took my comments wrong also. I reread all of my comments, never once did I attack you. I was telling you what I believe and why. Now let me see if I'm correct. You were telling me that you believe all religions cause all of the worlds problems and so to correct the problem we need to get rid of all religions or have a one world religion. Would I be safe to say that you believe in the evolution theory and the big bang? Also you seem to have moral standard. Would you say that you consider yourself an atheists? Is this correct? I've ask these questions so that I might understand what you believe and why you believe what you believe.

  23. You did not attack me personally but you did claim all other religions were inspired by Satan. this is what you wrote:

    There is only one true God and his son Jesus Christ. All other religions are inspired by Satan who uses men who have rejected the one true God. Satan is the ruler of this world and as we near the end of time you will see the entire world turned against God and Christianity.

    Who says that? what kind of a Christian would even think that way? Jesus never preached anything like that. the only thing that comes close would be about worshiping false Gods or idols, but I seriously doubt your Jesus meant other religions, I'm pretty sure he meant the golden cow and the like.

    You did not answer any questions but instead decided to quote scripture or avoid a subject completely.

    I am not an atheist nor am I a practicing Catholic. Something got this ball rolling but I do not know what that is, maybe one day I will maybe I will not and I'm ok with that. I do not think even 1 Religion is a good idea. I believe that people should have faith in whatever or whomever they choose and worship how they choose, not adhere to rules set forth by man, even if a man claims to have been told by God, Allah, or Buddah himself. It is not faith I have a problem with, it is the man made structure of Religion.

    I'm not 100% on the big bang but I do believe in evolution. how the first life form came into being is beyond me, as far as I am concerned that is something that has not been discovered yet.

    If it brings you comfort or enlightenment to worship God and Jesus, you should do that, but when One tries to impose their beliefs on another person or says another's beliefs are wrong or the product of Satan or even comparing their beliefs to a known Cultist, that is immoral and that is where conflict occurs.

  24. Okay, I will answer your questions to the best of my ability. But, you realize how hard you make this possible? You said, "You did not answer any questions but instead decided to quote scripture or avoid a subject completely". I think that we can agree that our knowledge either comes from a book or a teacher. You said you believe in evolution. How did you learn about evolution? It was either by a book or a teacher. Is there another way?
    You said something that was very important. "Something got this ball rolling but I do not know what that is---". I will use a book to answer this question. The Bible says, no one comes to God unless God draws him to himself. God reaches out to all people to come to him. Some accept and some don't. He wants all people to be saved and have eternal life. Now before you get mad, let's look at another thing you said. You said, Jesus never preached anything like that and then you interpreted what you thought he meant by that. You said that the only thing that comes close would be about worshiping false gods or idols. You are absolutely correct. You remember one of the 10 Commandments, thou shall have no other gods. If you look closely at other religions you will find that they either worship other gods or an idol.
    You said you believe that people should have faith in anyone or anything that they want to worship. If both of us were standing on a tall building and you said to me, I have faith that if I jump off this building I will not die. What would you want me to do? Would it be wrong for me to say to you no don't do this if you do you will die or you have faith do what you want. Splat! A true Christian tells you these things out of love not hate.
    You said you are not atheist. I believe you. Did you know that the theory of evolution was brought forth as an alternative to God and him creating the heavens and the earth. They say that everything just happen by itself, that there is no God involved and that you are born, you live and then you die. There is nothing else. Remember the first verse in the Bible, and the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

  25. I appreciate the effort, however, there are a lot of quotes left unexplained.

    What Religion worships an idol? That can be said about Catholicism, people praying to a STATUE of a crucified man. Who is to Say other Gods are not true Gods? Or even better, what if God, Allah, Buddah and Any other names for God is actually the same God and people chose to worship that God differently? which, when you apply my theory, makes a lot of sense. different people worshiping the same God in different ways. People, being people, group together, worshiping in the same way, forming Religion. eventually they think their way is better, which leads to a difference of opinion, which does not take to much to lead to an argument, which does not take much to turn into a conflict and here we are fighting in the name of their Religion, their God.

    The comparison to standing on a building and faith is way off and way out of context. different form of worship is hardly a matter of life and death. I am sure you will say it absolutely is. But any form of worship, even not worshiping at all, does not harm anyone or the individual. You're only reinforcing my opinion. A Religion will tell a person they are worshiping their God incorrectly. Is there a wrong way to worship? I ask again, did God actually say build me a house of worship and collect money in my name?

    God is Love, correct? and love knows no bounds, also correct? If both of these statement are correct why is a man loving another man or a woman loving another woman a sin? Because a man wrote it in a book? In religion, I see too may contradictions in religion.

    Being a christian is to know God and know love, yet you spew hateful words and ideas.
    You have said all other religions are of the influence of Satan. If one is to accept God and Christianity, he is somehow above others. You also said this:

    All other religions were written by dead man worshiping dead people. Allah can be compared to Jim Jones. The leader of a religion of death. Turn your life over to Christ. Asked him to come into your heart and he will open your eyes to the truth.

    Christianity in all it's forms, was written by dead men worshiping dead people as well, James, by your own logic, Christianity is not a true Religion.

    Allah is not the leader of Islam, Allah is the Muslim version of God. not that you care.

    The bottom line is this:

    I think that we can agree that our knowledge either comes from a book or a teacher.

    I agree with you in this sentence and I will expand on it. Books, no matter what book, even the Bible, Torah or Quran, is written by men, men have agendas, men are corruptable, you would be utterly foolish to think otherwise. History books have been proven wrong.
    In war, history is written by the victor.
    So whatever the victor chooses to document or leave out is totally up to him. Books will tell what the author chooses. To believe the Bible is a verbatim documentation of the word of God is naive at the least. This book has been written and re-written countless times. As I am sure holds true for other religions tomes.

    My eyes are open James, I feel that it is you that has been blinded by your unquestioning devotion to your Religion

  26. You made the statement, I ask again, did God actually say build me a house of worship and collect money in my name? No he did not. Herein lies the problem, you cannot even quote the Bible correctly. You said, Or even better, what if God, Allah, Buddah and Any other names for God is actually the same God and people chose to worship that God differently? They are not the same God. If you studied the other religions they all have a different belief and they all come to a different conclusion. Here is just one big difference of many in what you call all religions. In all man-made religion you have to do something to save yourself if you follow their religion. You have to work for your salvation. In the Christian religion you can do nothing to earn your salvation. The Bible states, it is a gift of God to all who come to him and asked him to save them. John3:16 So right there is one example of why Christianity is different from all other religions. God is holy. A sinner cannot stand the presence of God. You must be born again. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
    You said different forms of worship is hardly a manner of life and death. Go to Saudi Arabia or Iran and build a Christian church and start preaching salvation through Jesus Christ and see how long you can keep your head before they chop it off.
    I know, Allah is their God and Mohammed is their prophet. The Bible says Jesus Christ is the son of God. In the Koran it states that Jesus was just another prophet. In the Bible states the Trinity, that is the father the son and the Holy Ghost. The Koran says there is no son of God or Holy Ghost.
    There is in this world good and evil right and wrong truth and lies. You seem to create your own beliefs by picking and choosing from a collection of options that seems right in your own mind, aka man-made religion.
    Jesus Christ was right when he said when you preach the gospel the world will hate you condemn you and persecute you. When Christ came to Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago and taught in the temple the Jews accused him of being Satan. They accused the son of God of being Satan.
    There is a movement today that is called "Coexist." I believe you have fallen to their trap. The world is moving toward a one world government, the one world religion, and a one world leader. In this new world order there will be no room for Christians, Jews and Jesus Christ. This is a period of time called the tribulation, but at the end of the tribulation Jesus Christ will come back to earth, cast Satan and his followers into hell and set up his kingdom that will last forever. There will be no more evil, no more sin and Christians will see God face-to-face.
    I tell you the truth not because I hate you but because I want you to see the truth so that you too can go to heaven.

  27. James, I cannot quote the bible correctly because I have not read it. I was asking a question not quoting scripture.

    You said different forms of worship is hardly a manner of life and death. Go to Saudi Arabia or Iran and build a Christian church and start preaching salvation through Jesus Christ and see how long you can keep your head before they chop it off.

    Jesus Christ James, you don't listen for shit. Your ears are all clogged with the word of god and you cannot see because your eyes are burried in your Bible! It's a book, God did not come down from heaven and put pen to paper, or quill to parchment. It is a book writ by man. Leave the people to worship as they wish. If you are not trying to go to a foreign land and force your religion down their throats, they will have no reason to chop off your head, so that was a horrible example.

    All religion is the same, you just think your god is better than the other's god, it's all the same, some holy creator, bullshit.

    I don't know what form of christianity you are referring to but Doing absolutely nothing and earn your salvation? Bullshit!!! the church is always telling the parishoners what they need to do to get into heaven.

    If you studied the other religions they all have a different belief and they all come to a different conclusion.

    Doesn't this re-affirm my different beleif theory?

    What kind of trap is it to accept people for who they are and what they believe? What sensible argument can you conjure that would convince anyone the coexistance is a bad thing?

    There is in this world good and evil right and wrong truth and lies. You seem to create your own beliefs by picking and choosing from a collection of options that seems right in your own mind, aka man-made religion.

    I'm starting to think you may be retarded, I am against religion, any form of organized worship. You are failing to realize all religion is man made.

    Jesus Christ was right when he said when you preach the gospel the world will hate you condemn you and persecute you. When Christ came to Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago and taught in the temple the Jews accused him of being Satan. They accused the son of God of being Satan.

    What kind of disrespect is Jesus showing by going into a temple and teaching a different Religion? That's like me sneaking into your house, eating your food, mowing your lawn and laying with your wife! but you don't see that! Blind faith is dangerous. Crusades, Inquisition, Pedophile priests. all in the name of God, All of it God's will All from men who believe they are above all others, believe their God is the one true God. It's all Bullshit. It's all control.

    The world is moving toward a one world government, the one world religion, and a one world leader. In this new world order there will be no room for Christians, Jews and Jesus Christ. This is a period of time called the tribulation, but at the end of the tribulation Jesus Christ will come back to earth, cast Satan and his followers into hell and set up his kingdom that will last forever. There will be no more evil, no more sin and Christians will see God face-to-face.

    This world would be better off without christian, Jews, Muslims, Bhuddists, Hindu, all forms of organized religion! You are so unbelievably full of Shit, it is disappointing. Only Christians will be saved?

    Keep Preaching your skewed views, your hate and your Christians are number 1 garbage. I'm done with this conversation. to get back on point, the Jews have no right to the land they are stealing in what is now called Israel. They are expanding their territory illegally and hiding behind the United States when they face opposition.

    You bury your head in that Bible like an ostrich buries it's head in the sand and conjure up some vague quotes that you can manipulate into making some sort of sense to you. Religion is the bane of peace, it is poison and you drink it like Sweet tea on a hot day.


  28. Just think. I am 69 years old. I remember America. The world that you live in today is not the world that I was born into. In the history of the world there has never been a country like America. It was a nation founded on the Judeo-Christian religion. Just look at the 10 Commandments. If people lived by that moral code, just think what that means. Thou shalt not murder, shall not steal, honor thy father and mother, thou shall not bear false witness, a shall not commit adultery and thou shalt not covet. How can you not agree on just these six rules. If you think murdering, stealing, and lying is a good thing then don't read any further. If it wasn't for America, then World War II would have been won by Germany, Russia and Japan. Germany under Adolf Hitler murdered 6 million Jews and countless others if they were not a part of his Arian race. Russia under Joseph Stalin turn to communism. A type of government free of God. Japan under Emperor Hirohito who proclaimed to be God and was worshiped as God by the Japanese people.
    This is the history of the world. When man rejects God then man becomes their God. All of the Roman emperors proclaim themselves to be God. A turning point in America was when FDR, that's Pres. Roosevelt on December 7 said, we shall win this war so help us God. But wait, when Hitler attacked Russia then FDR had Russia join America to help win the war. So a Christian nation united itself with a godless government. Fast-forward to today.
    The Communists have overthrown America and look what has happened. The United States government removed the 10 Commandments from our school system and also ban the mentioning of God in the public forum. You will never know the Christian America I grew up in. It does not exist anymore. You will never know the meaning of true freedom. There is no moral standard at all. I feel like I am living in a foreign country. I know you don't understand, there is no way that you can. Even telling the truth was removed in the 1960s. I live during the 20th century. I'm not telling you what I think, I'm just telling you what I have seen and what I have heard. You need not reply, you will just have to find out for yourself.

  29. Oh, one more thing. Don't confuse Catholicism with Christianity. Throughout history the Catholic Church persecuted true Christianity. The Pope thinks that he is Christ and he wants to be the leader of the one world religion. If you were once in the Catholic Church I can understand your hatred. Pedophiles, the Inquisition and false teachings were all a part of the Catholic Church. True Christianity is not a religion. It's a modern terminology. The correct understanding would be Christianity and man-made religion. No need to reply, I know you won't be able to grasp this concept.

  30. wE FINALLY AGREE ON SOMETHING. Everything in your last post I agree with and most of your first post. This would have been an easier and more civil conversation with this knowledge from the beginning.

    I never said I didn't agree with the 10 commandments. the 10 commandments is simple decency toward other people.

    When did this become a conversation about America? you're getting all conspiracy theory, now. You believe in christianity, good for you, if that works for you, I'm happy for you. Religion is bad, we agree. The Catholic church is Basically organized crime in the name of God. Had you stopped thumping on your Bible long enough in the beginning of this exchange you would have heard my view and known we are not far off from each other's opinions.

    Also, I'm not a child, when grown-ups talk sensibly I fully understand. Don't claim you know me by my seemingly opposing view to yours, you obviously do not. I grew up in the 20th century as well. born in 1970. this conversation has gone off topic long enough.

  31. I appreciate your comment, thanks
