Friday, February 12, 2010

Big Government or God

Who do you want to control your life in this world. You MUST choose one. If you are not controlled by one then you are controlled by the other. You always hear the term 'separation of Church and State' mentioned in America. The U.S. Government has no room for God today. Most world government don't. They are at odds with each other. You can see examples of the results of total centralized government rule in this world. Communism in Russia and China, Islamic states like Saudi Arabia and Iran (ruled by men and and not founded in God's teachings). In the past,there was Nazi Germany, Fascist Rome, Pol Pot in Cambodia and of course the Roman Empire. But now here in America we have a huge expansion of the Federal Government and loss of the power in local and state governments. This is contrary to the ideas of the founding fathers that our Nation was founded on. That being Christianity and with limited central Government. A democracy will only work in a moral society ruled by God fearing men. Anything else and you will get a Hitler or a Stalin ruling with a iron fist.

Their idea of 'separation of Church and State' only means that we (the government) will control the Church; (ie bans on prayer, posting of the Ten Commandments or mentioning Jesus Christ), but the Church will remain silent and stay out of government completely. You do not hear 'separation of media and state' or of business or education or anything connected with the freedoms that you take for granted. Totalitarian Governments must CONTROL everything to control their population. By brainwashing and force if necessary. They cannot have a media that speaks out against them or a school that teaches you the truth or moral principles. It's all about control. A government that regulates you, feeds you, teaches you, controls your finances and health care just means they have life or death control over you. I'll put my faith in God.

Today the only people who speak out against big government and the evils of communism and socialism are people who lived in those societies and were able to escape and tell their story.

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