Thursday, February 25, 2010

Homeland Security - threat level to Americans is at it's highest level

Americans Threat Level is now BLOOD RED. The U. S. Government.
By Roger Fredinburg

February 19, 2010

I watch, un-amused today as Harry Reid and his cohort's plot to overthrow the will of the American people once again.

Yes, Healthcare Reform is coming, regardless of what the people want.

Hmm .. Seems like we Americans once or twice went to war against our supposed enemies to repel very similar types of Government oppression.

Not to placate the Republicans who just a few days ago were arguing to have a seat at the table to aid President Obama in shaping a new "Deficit Reduction Commission".

I may have misread the Constitution, but doesn't the responsibility for appropriations belong to the House of Representatives?

So now it seems the minority Republicans and the Majority Democrats need a commission to do their Job?

The job we hired them to do must rob them of huge blocks of their precious time.

Clearly they need more time on the golf courses, or possibly on palatial retreats in Copenhagen and Hawaii.

While millions of Americans struggle to find new addresses after being booted from their homes and careers, these buffoons give themselves big pay raises, side step the issues and suck up to their cronies.

How many lives are destroyed by legislative stupidity in this country everyday?

When you think about oppressive tax codes, bizarre peace-nick rules on family and the odd anti-self defense laws, Family courts (show me that one in the constitution) weird laws protecting animals, plants and the earth from the people.

Fraudulent science on the environment and laws like the Endangered Species Act that fail to even consider humanity as an important aspect of nature.

Land use laws and property taxes that deprive people of any real ownership of property (the cornerstone of freedom). And deprive them of the use and enjoyment of their land.

Constant attempts through political correctness to deprive us of our religious and free speech rights and generally all of our inalienable rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. It's enough to drive any sane person mad.

Idiotic rules taking parental rights and authority away from the families of America and the general rejection and criminalization of traditional patriarchal principles.
Read entire article:

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