Sunday, March 7, 2010

Liberals - a product of our school system brainwashing

by Kent R. Rieske and Bible Life Ministries
Supporters propound upon the Theory of Evolution as if it has scientific support, which it does not. Evolutionists switch tactics when they are pressed against the wall with solid scientific proofs against the Theory of Evolution, as presented below. They back off stating that evolution is "only a theory." Using this flip-flop approach they try to have it both ways. They claim scientific support when none exists, and they claim it is "only a theory" when their beliefs are proven to be outlandish, impossible conclusions that violate scientific truths. Evolutionists simply ignore reality, slink into denial, and walk away when presented with the scientific facts listed below. The human mind has a very detrimental character weakness. Humans would rather believe an error for the rest of their lives than admit they had been wrong.

People who believe in evolution have been brainwashed. Their main problem is not the arguments for and against evolution and creation. Their problem is they can't bring themselves to reject evolution, because they have already rejected God. Humans have a big mental fault. They are not able to admit they were wrong. Therefore, they are trapped in their previous decision to reject God.

By the way, not being able to correct false thinking is another blow against evolution. The theory of natural selection should conclude that humans should be able to easily correct false thinking, because it is the most beneficial approach, but they can't. People who have already rejected God cannot reprogram themselves. They are hopelessly lost forever --- doomed with a programmed brain that cannot be formatted like a computer hard drive and reprogrammed again. This is why the debate between evolution and creation is hopelessly deadlocked.

The educational system teaches children not to think. Any student who uses logic and solid scientific evidence to question the Theory of Evolution is ridiculed and insulted into submission. The students who submit become non thinking robots who dare not question the dogma presented.

A forth-grade elementary school class was observed at the park playing a three-legged race game, where adjacent legs of the two kids were placed into a bag. The kids must cooperate with each step in order to run. The kids thought it was great fun. The teacher told them they were being trained to cooperate. Actually, it was brainwashing kids into conforming to a system in which they are not allowed to have individual thoughts or opinions. They must become a "team player" and submit to peer pressure. Communist countries have used this same brainwashing technique for decades. The brainwashing of school children continues by teaching them there is no absolute right or wrong, and the teacher is absolutely positive about it. Whatever the children think is right for them is OK. That is of course until they question evolution. They are then told they are wrong. This brainwashing results in children who are unable to think logically, scientifically, and accurately.

Children are taught to "question reality." This brainwashing technique really means to doubt obvious scientific truth. The children are being taught to doubt reality that they see around them but accept unscientific nonsense like evolution and the Big Bang Theory. Brainwashed children and adults believe these lies instead of accepting the scientific truth before them. Remember, humans can be easily brainwashed to believe lies like the Theory of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory.

Brainwashing, Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychotic, Sociology, Sociopath, Schizophrenia, Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive, Paranoia, Phobia, Addiction, and Other Mental and Personality Disorders.

The educational system on the university level in all English-speaking countries brings brainwashing to perfection. Many generations have lived and died having been brainwashed into believing that extraterrestrial life forms must have evolved and must exist somewhere. They search in vain for life elsewhere in the solar system and universe. They research in vain trying to prove the Theory of Evolutionary. They get Ph. Ds., become professors, and teach the next generation the same unproven and impossible ideas. The brainwashed individual rarely understands his own condition, and no means exist for his reprogramming. They read scientific facts presented here, but the brainwashed brain is in lockdown mode, unable to replace nonsense with true scientific facts. They feel this strange mental state of confusion where the brain simply locks up, and the eyes gloss over out of focus as they stare at nothing. That is why they call it brainwashing.

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