Saturday, April 3, 2010

Remembering Terri Schiavo

The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo

“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” —Matthew 25:40

I cannot think of anything more dehumanizing or wicked than to DELIBERATELY starve another human being to death. No civilized person could allow even an animal to suffer such a horrible death, let alone a human being. This is wicked! It's hard to imagine that a mass murderer like John Wayne Gacy was humanely executed by lethal injection... no starvation... no hunger... no thirst... no dehydration... no suffering (but Terri Schiavo suffered all of those horrible atrocities). This is so wrong! What has the medical, legal and political system come to in America? An EEG was never done on Terri, nor did she ever have an MRI. Why? Where did Terri get all those broken bones? How did her ribs, ankle, hip and spine get fractured? Why hasn't there been a criminal investigation? Terri's family pleaded for her life, offering to care for her at their own expense, in their own home. Her husband refused their request even though he himself was awarded one million dollars for her care. He had also remarried. Judge Greer never met Terri, yet sentenced her to death. Why?

America is a wicked nation! Terri may have been incapacitated, but she was indeed responsive (and her family wanted to take care of her). Terri's only crime was not being able to feed herself. You simply do NOT torture people to death! Terri was as much alive as you or I. She laughed, she cried, she loved. Terri had no health problems. If Terri had been a terrorist, a dog or a murderer, she would have been protected by laws against such horrible torture. It is not surprising in a cruel society that aborts it's own children a million times per year that life has become so meaningless... what's one more life, right? There is an agenda behind all of this, a culture of death, and you are next America! What has being done to Terri Schiavo is a clear barometer of America's spiritual condition. We are a murderous nation! Woe unto America! Terri's death will not be in vain.

—By David J. Stewart

March 31, 2005 Terri died

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