Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Iron Curtian is desending on America

The Communist take over of America is closer than you think. They have almost solidified their base support of 70% of Americans thru welfare and health care for the poor, social security for the old, brainwashing the youth thru the government school system and the dumbing down of everyone thru the media (TV and Print). That's not counting the illegal immigrants. How can most Americans rise up against our Socialist Government when their very existence depends on them. For those who still believe in freedom and independence, we have few resources. When they take your guns, silence Talk Radio and take control of the Internet they will have complete control and you will be totally defenseless and in the dark. Can you imagine being lied to around the clock and never knowing the Truth. Being restricted in what you do, where you go and what you say, even to who you pray. People like Michael Savage already know what it's like to be banned from speaking the truth. His last outlet is Talk Radio. Don't think the ballot box will save you. The system is not that easily overthrown. Remember the need for a civilian security force. They will be the SS of Homeland Security. Soon you will know how life was in places like Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China. The light of freedom in America is being extinguished.

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