Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cannon Fodder

With July 4th just around the corner, I wonder just what type of celebrations we will have. The war against terrorism in Afghanistan which is almost as far away as Vietnam is now in it's what; 9th or 10th year. What is being accomplished? How can parents condoned sending their sons to fight a war with no goal and no end. As a general rule when Republicans wage war the enemy dies, when Democrats wage war American troops die. You know, like rules saying you can't shoot first, or bomb the south side of the bridge, or pursue the enemy but stop at the border while they continue to shoot at you. Where are the liberal demonstrations against the war that were so intense when Bush was in office. Liberals don't demonstrate when their party is in office. But just like in the movie 1984, War is Peace so keep sending more cannon fodder; your sons, for the war effort. It's the patriotic thing to do. It's a war on terrorism. Who are the enemy? All the wars around the globe today involve Islam to a certain extent. But just like communism we embrace and promote it. What is the cost? Your Sons!

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