Tuesday, July 6, 2010

TV programs, Music Videos, Video Games and Action Movies

Our children today are classified with all type of Attention Deficient Disorders and many have problems paying attention to one subject for longer than a few seconds. There may be some that have valid medical or heredity reasons. The purpose of this article is why since the beginning of the computer and digital age do programmers, media corporation executives and producers create all these shows, music videos and movies where the images continually changed every few seconds. The rapid-fire change of media images, which occurs every 5 to 6 seconds in many programs and 2 to 3 seconds in commercials (even less on MTV and programs on Spike TV), does not give the higher thought brain a chance to even process the image. It reportedly takes the neocortex anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds to engage after a stimulus. The neocortex is our higher brain, but also needs a greater processing time to become involved. This is a deliberate and planned attack on our children to disrupt their developed. It's just one of the many ways family life in America is being destroyed. How children grew up prior to the electronic age and today leaves no doubt. As kids in our day we played outside a lot, interacted with other kids, built things, studied things we saw, enjoyed and watch nature. Things moved at a slower pace. We listen to the radio; yes actually listen. We kids actually talked to each other. When we listen to music, it was cheerful and relaxing. Singers like Doris Day, Bing Crosby and Andy Williams lifted the spirit. Even with the beginning of Television the programs imitated everyday life, always in a positive and uplifting manner. People were polite, the humor was clean and God and things of a religious nature were not banned. These things you took with you when you grew up. There is not one valid reason for all the rapid fire images. Even in the motion pictures there is continuous action scenes of destruction. Forget anything of a story line provoking thought. All the entertainment is mindless chaos. The only effects of this type of program on our kids are harmful ones, extremely harmful. These programs have no value to them except in the negative since.


  1. I just wanted to point out that it's not the TV or the Video games, it's the parent's not regulating their use. I grew up in the time of Super Nintendo. Zelda taught me how to read when my mother got tired of reading the lines for me. However I was limited to the time I could watch tv, or play video games and was and am still fairly physically active. It's not the telephone, it's the parent's buying the telephone or IPod or PS3 for their five year old. I will concede that pop culture today is trash. I work in a book store and one of my sections is a locked case in art, where nudes are kept. There are numerous books labeled "How to Make Glamor Photographs." In this book I would have expected glamorous, tasteful nudes or partial nudes. The title shouldhave been how to work for Penthouse or Playboy. I would say instead of blaming TV, Video Games, Teachers, and everyone in the world for issues in todays youth, we should look at their parents. One doesn't have to do anything other than screw in order to have children. There is no test like with a Drivers License, there is no screening like when adopting a dog, there are no rules and regulations to children, therefore people have children and play with them like dolls. Dress them up, put fake boobs on them and put them into kiddie beuty pagents. Or Sit your five year old behind the wheel of your minivan and have them drive through downtown. It's not cute or amusing when a child curses or smokes packs of cigarettes, but people don't think of children as children, they think of them as their playthings to dress up as they please. You can't blame TV or Videogames, yes these are products of the society we are in, but look at the society, then look at the family unit. All these issues stem from unhealthy relationships with parents or no-parenting where one isn't the mother or father but the friend.
    I think you're blaming the effect and not the cause.

  2. Thank you for your comment, but let me say that the point of this article was the practice of changing the screen images every second or two. This has a negative effect on your brain and it's ability to focus on a subject for any length of time or to retain memory of what you are viewing. Hint: ADD, ADHD
