Sunday, August 22, 2010

Think about it

What’s in a name? Charles Darwin's book, when mentioned by the left always use the shortened version, 'The origin of species'. They never give you the full title which is “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or, The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life". 'The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life' is something that Hitler, Stalin, Liberals and even the KKK used to justify their hatred or extermination of certain groups of people. Now we know why we have wars. It's human evolution. Does 'Ethnic Cleansing' ring a bell. In order to save Mother Earth and the animals on the planet we must reduce the world's population. Guess who will be first to go? Al Gore or Alan Keyes?

Choices. Democrat or Republican? That's like Nazi or Communist. You have a choice as long as it is one of the two we allow you to vote for. This is their primary way to maintain power. You will notice that anyone outside the group is quickly discredited or not even allowed on the ticket. Democrats or Republicans give most people someone to vote for who has some of the traits they look for in a candidate, while still leading the nation down a prescribed path.

Hippies. In the 1960's they were always trying to discover themselves or find out who they were especially thru the use of drugs. Now there is a new movement in America. I heard one liberal husband and wife say they were going to raise their children 'gender neutral'; as if, the country hasn't screwed up our children  enough already.

Hate Crimes. That's when you kill someone of a different race or belief. Some how this makes the killing a much worse crime. This added charge ensures a greater chance of punishment, including the death penalty. Of course, liberal lawyers and judges will have to prove hate crimes cannot be committed by the temporarily insane. It could blow their case completely. They take one law, 'Thou shall not kill,' and make a thousand laws on murder. 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree, premeditated, without malice, temporarily insane, the list goes on and on.

Tattoos. Making a statement? Is getting a tattoo your way of showing that you are not a Christian? If not, then is it your way of showing your IQ level? You have choices. You decide.

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