Sunday, December 19, 2010

New World Order - from Hippies to Sheeple

How can the average American citizen let the U. S. Government strip search and sexually abuse them and their family just because the need to travel in America. Don’t they know they have the power to stop it. Are they so brainwashed that they really believe it’s for their security and will accept anything the Government subjects them to.

How does this happen? How can a Government control it’s population? How can the Government create a nation of Sheeple? People who believe and accept anything.

One way people are controlled is by drugs. Many government experiments have proven this. Wow! Case solved. I know, you ask; connect the dots for me.

I call it “from hippies to sheeple”. It’s all tied to the “New World Order”. In order for the world elite to establish the NWO, America’s wealth and morality must be destroyed. . The Vietnam War, a war with one goal, which was to tear the fabric of the United States apart. A war which drove many of our young soldiers to drugs and started the anti-establishment hippie movement. In 1971 the U. S. government declared a “War on Drugs”. About this time, during the 1970’s also was the start of a mass influx of Mexicans across a mostly open border illegally. So now the stage is set. The Government will create a drug addicted society thru the phoney “War on Drugs” and keep an open border to insure the supply of drugs never runs out.

Along with the “War on Terror” and the “War on Education” the entire hippie generation is now those ‘sheeple’ who believe that everything the government does to you is for your own security. A dumb down, drugged out society who once lived for, “Free Love, Drugs and Rock and Roll” now lives a life of sexual assaults by the TSA.

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