Friday, January 28, 2011

NAACP Columbia S. C. 1-17-11 MLK Day observance

           Statue of George Washington
Doesn’t this organization have better things to worry about?” asks the WSJ, which then goes on to point out a number of issues upon which the NAACP would better spent its time concentrating:

- Black unemployment rates are way above everyone else’s, and that black children have turned their schools into the nation’s worst where they underperform and often don’t graduate.
- Black boys in eighth grade read at about the same level as white girls in fourth grade, the WSJ article said.
- The achievement gap persists through high school, where the average black student is graduating with an eighth-grade education — if the student graduates at all. The situation has remained essentially unchanged for three decades.
- President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan have noted that just 2,000 of the nation’s 20,000 high schools produce half of all dropouts, and nearly 50 percent of black kids attend one of these dropout factories.
- In the current issue of National Affairs, David Kirp writes that ‘among 16- to 24-year-old black men not enrolled in school, fewer than half have jobs; about a third are in prison or jail, or on probation or parole.’
- Blacks commit 52 percent of all murders and make up 49 percent of all murder victims — 90 percent of them are killed by other blacks.
- More than 70 percent of black children are born to single women. Compared with those born to married couples, out-of-wedlock children are more likely to live in poverty, perform poorly in school, commit crimes, and abuse drugs.

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