Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Westboro Satanic Church - Child abuse?

 Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed into law emergency legislation to head off picketing by a Topeka, Kan., church near the funeral service for a 9-year-old girl who was killed during the shooting.
It took effect immediately with her signature Tuesday night. The new law prohibits protests within 300 feet of a funeral or burial service.
The Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Thursday's funeral for Christina-Taylor Green, a third-grader who was born on the day of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
When it comes to the left and all their talk about hate crimes, you'll notice they usually will stay silent if the hate group actions reflect negatively against the right or even the Church. Leave it up to a Republican to take action against this satanic led group who has been picketing funerals for years. I mention in a previous article when will someone stand up to these people. They should be charged with child abuse. What they do is not of God. For the left, hate speech, hate crimes and the first amendment is a tool they used when it furthers their goals or plans.

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