Sunday, March 20, 2011

Libya - operation odyssey dawn, that's OD'ed for short

Dr Strangelove or: How I learn to stop worrying and love the bomb

On Sat. Mar. 19, 2011, a day which will live in infamy, those evil Republician warmongers of the United States government sent the U.S. military to attack another Arab nation. This unprovoked attack by the Right Wing leaders of our nation was; wait! This attack wasn't by the Republicans, this was Obama and the Socialist Left. Boy, it's getting harder and harder to tell them apart these days. Bush said, "I attacked Iraq and the Left went crazy but Obama attacks Libya and it's all quiet on the western front." Secretary of State Hilliary runs all around the Arab world in meetings and then this happens. Then she says she will leave politics after her term is up. Mission Accomplished!
After Bosnia, then Somalia, now Libya the left will wage their cruise missile war, kill a bunch of people on both sides then withdraw because the opposition didn't play right.
Of course it's not the U.S. government, it's now the UN and it's new world order backed by the power of the U.S. Government. So American citizens better behave or the UN will be coming to a city near you.
So, is this action a part of the 'war on terror' or the 'new world order'?
I don't remember hearing anything about Kadaffhi building nuclear weapons? I don't remember kadaffhi doing anything lately. I guess the U.S. will work they way to Iran one country at a time. But anyway, I'm getting off the subject, that is that here in the U.S., CHANGE can happen at any time.
Democracy in the Arab world? I'm still having trouble with that one.

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