Monday, March 7, 2011

Separation of church and state is Separation of Children from God

"Separation of church and state" has been and continues to be devastating in its impact upon our youth. History, as it is written in our textbooks, is dry and boring. It has been run through a grid of "political correctness". History comes into the textbooks as cold empty humanistic secularism. History has been stripped of its spiritual lessons. It should never be treated like that. History is to be revered for its lessons. It is no wonder our school children today are bored, stir crazy, and unable to focus in class. They are being fed an artificial educational diet deprived of its essential nutrients. Everything that is promoted in the American culture today is in direct opposition to what God says. And it is leaving our children spiritually malnourished. Then the secularist drug them up to cover these symptoms while still getting the results they want. They come out of our school system in a brainwashed morally dead zombie like state. They don’t know right from wrong. They have no restriction on their acts or behavior; just do what you feel like doing. Monkey see, monkey do. It is only from Christian homes, schools and Churches that the Truth is being taught that holds the fabric of American society together. Humanist believe that since there is no God there is no sin or guilt. If you kill or torture someone, it’s no big deal. They believe that as soon as we rid America of Christians, we can create a utopia and eliminate punishment all together. Now, more and more crimes are being committed by children. Every day you hear policemen or lawyers say, ‘he or she showed no guilt or remorse at what they did.’ It is the end result of a society that follows Satan instead of God.

The bottom line to all of America’s problems is the falling away from Christianity. All the discussion of a need for more education, more laws, or more programs to solve our problems, or that it’s poverty or race or equality that is the cause, will never solve the problem unless we restore our moral guidance. That is why on my blog I talk about Christianity and Jesus so much. If blogs you read gives you other answers to the problems and leaves Christ out, it is in vain. Remember, Satan is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. If you haven’t invited Jesus to come into your life, then you do the work of your father Satan and believe the lies and reject the Truth.

1 comment:

  1. This is complete bullshit. "God" shouldn't have anything to do with ruling this county. No one should tell people what is "good" for you or not. That is where common sense comes into play. Religion is why the founding fathers escaped from England to come to the United States in the first place.
