Friday, January 27, 2012

Woe unto you, Democrats and Republicans, hypocrites

History repeats itself. Some things never change. Jesus, in the New Testament had the strongest condemnation for the ruling class of a nation, especially when they lead the people away from God.
In the past it was the Sadducees and Pharisees. In modern times it has been the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, the Democrat Party and the Republican Party.

Sadducees: (Democrat) An ancient Jewish sect that was opposed to the Pharisees, denying the resurrection of the dead, the existence of angels, and the validity of oral tradition. They completely deny the existence and the power of God. Today they are the Evolutionist and Secular Humanist.

Pharisees:  (Republicans) An ancient Jewish sect that was opposed to the Sadducees, teaching strict observance of Jewish tradition as interpreted rabbinically and believing in life after death and in the coming of the Messiah. The Pharisees of that time were primarily interested in position, power and authority. They were not concerned with their relationship with God.

Scribes: (Supreme Court Justices) A man qualified to write certain documents in accordance with religious requirements. A professional copyist of manuscripts and documents. They subvert the Truth and often cause untold grief and misery; they refuse to speak the Truth.

Publicans: (The Federal Reserve - IRS) A Jewish collector of taxes or tribute from the public. They stole money from the people just like they do today.

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