Thursday, June 14, 2012

Christ is the answer

The blessings are over and judgment has come to America. We have rejected The One and Only True God and His Son Jesus so now we are given over to Satan and his New World Order. History has run it’s course. America, a nation founded on Christianity; blessed by God now embraces Communism, which was born of Satan. His first act was the creation of the Federal Reserve which would act as a world bank to finance his NWO with the future wealth of America. Then he plunged the world into a world war in 1914 to give birth to the communism with the takeover of Russia in 1917. Amid this chaos there was only a token attempt by the U.S. to stop it. Then came WWII and out of this came a union of good and evil as America united with Russia and in the end made her a joint super power. From then until now the cancer of Communism has slowly taken over America. Every event in our history has been carefully planned to bring about our downfall and now we have been enslave into the New World Order. If America had remained faithful to God, we would still have been blessed and free today. Instead, we have rejected the Truth and will only believe the lies. Christ is Life and Socialism is death. Don't let government be your God. History has proven that what is written in the Bible is true and if you do not have Christ in your life you are already dead.

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