Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Union is divided

20 states demand to secede from U.S.

The documents have been lodged on a government website 'We The People' - and Texas has almost enough people behind its petition to warrant an official White House response.Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2232029/The-independent-states-America-Secession-filed-20-states-election.html#ixzz2C8tAKNkJ
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Update -
As of November 14, 2012, citizens from all 50 states have filed petitions on the White House Website (“We the People”) to secede from the union.
Texas leads the movement in the secession race with 101,328 online signatures, followed by Georgia with 42,000 signatures and Louisiana with 32,000.

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