Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bill O'Reilly and the O'Reilly Factor

I use to watch Bill O'Reilly until the 2008 election race for President. It seems that Bill couldn't figure out if Obama was good or bad for the Country during the entire race. Most of the time he seem to be supporting him. So I quit watching the O'Reilly Factor. During the 2016 race I started watching him again. NO IMPROVEMENT! And even now, he still makes favorable comments on Obama. Ann Coulter was right. He thinks the U.S. Constitution supports Illegal immigrants and their babies right to citizenship.       

Maybe he thinks Obama was an anchor baby and doesn't want to offend him.  Also he seems to think that Abortion and Gay Marriage is legal in the Constitution/Bill of Rights.  All Bill keeps saying is, "It's the Law". A law that opposes God's Law is not a law. Fox News is run by Rupert Murdoch. His leash only stretches so far to the right. Donald Trump has past that point. He had better not trust Fox News. The enemy within is more dangerous than the enemy without, aka the left.                                                                                                                                                                                         

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