Monday, May 30, 2016

War on Women Bathrooms

                                   PROBLEM SOLVED 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Obama is destroying our children's mind and soul

Obama doesn't need to worry about global warming, he needs to worry about the 'Lake of Fire' God has  prepared for Satan and those who follow him. Woe unto him who calls evil good and good evil.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Republican Party list of RINO'S - Trump haters

 Four separate Presidents – H. W. Bush, William Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama – all four have, in their own distinctive ways, pushed The New World Order Agenda down the throats of America.

 It's Donald Trump and the people who voted for him against the world.
   Paul Ryan
   Mitch McConnell
   H. W. Bush
   G. W. Bush
   John McCain
   John Kasich  Gov. Ohio
   Lindsey Graham  R-S.C.
   Nikki Haley  Gov. S.C.
   Mitt Romney
   Glenn Beck
   George Will
   Bill O'Reilly, flip flopping fence rider
   Megyn Kelly, me me me

  • Stephen Hayes
  • Mark Levin, radio host
  • Former Gov. George Pataki, R-N.Y.
  • Former Gov. Tom Ridge, R-Pa.
  • Rep. Scott Rigell, R-Va.
  • Rep. Mark Sanford, R-S.C.
  • Sen. Ben Sasse, R- Neb.