Friday, May 13, 2016

Obama is destroying our children's mind and soul

Obama doesn't need to worry about global warming, he needs to worry about the 'Lake of Fire' God has  prepared for Satan and those who follow him. Woe unto him who calls evil good and good evil.

1 comment:

  1. Honest to God, I have never seen so many fake Christians in my life. I’ve never seen so make racist, homopohibc, bigoted rants from inhumans scumbags twisting the word of God to promote against those Non-White, Non-Straight, and Non-Republican, but that’s how you racist bigoted scumbags roll, I guess.

    you call yourself a Christian. Don’t you know that God loves this man. If you have a problem with your President, ask the Holy Spirit how to pray for him. If more Christians were praying for the President as the Lord leads, I believe you would not have half the problems you have now. But don’t take my word for it, take it to the Lord in prayer.

    He’s not a Muslim and never has been, I know that must be difficult for you conservative bigots to swallow. Barack Obama is a good president, not a good Muslim. Over the last 8 years under Barack Obama’s courageous liberal leadership, America has seen record amounts of economic recovery.

    He’s spent less than any president in decades. The racial tensions are caused by racists. He’s taken less vacation and other time than most of the last several presidents. Our Great Nation went further down the tubes when Bush II squandered the good will of the world after 9/11, then instituted torture, out of control surveillance, and oh, did away with bankruptcy protections for student loans, among other things.

    Klansman Trump Unify America? He’s not even elected yet and look how shamelessly and unfathomable deeply he has ALREADY divided this country. Jeez, don’t make me laugh. This moron Donnie Dumb is a full disgrace to America and the Western world at large. Period.

    If you do not practice tolerance, compassion and diversity as Jesus teaches you will go to hell in the afterlife. This is directly from scripture. “Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer; and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” – 1 John 3:15-16. I will pray for your soul.
