Monday, August 29, 2016

Obama's Muslim Invasion right on Schedule

Obama meets his goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees ahead of schedule, which includes just 47 Christians.                                                                                                 Ambassador Alice Wells said the refugees are the most thoroughly screened category of travelers to the United States, and Syrian refugees are subject to even greater scrutiny," she said. Wells said the target of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S. in the 2016 fiscal year will be reached Monday, as several hundred Syrians depart from Jordan over 24 hours. The Jouriyeh family, which attended Sunday's short ceremony, is headed to San Diego, California. Nadim Fawzi Jouriyeh, 49, who suffers from heart problems, will be traveling with his wife, Rajaa, 42, and their four children. Their oldest son, 14-year-old Mohammed, said he is eager to sign up for school in San Diego.                                                                     From this report, I see 3 problems. I guess their screening program is to make sure that they limit Christians to the least number possible. Next, the father has a heart problem. A potential permanent welfare burden. And lastly, their oldest son was named Mohammed which mean all of them are Muslim followers of Islam. As Obama said himself, "to fundamentally change America". What is the response by the Republican establishment insiders to everything Obama does? I guess it's "what Obama wants, Obama gets".                                       Trump 2016 or America is finished.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Make America Great Again

Many celebrities said they would leave America if Trump wins. If only we could be so lucky

You shall know them by their suits

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

President Donald J Trump

I started my blog almost 9 years ago. At that time I listed the things that was wrong with our country and how we were heading in the downward spiral. America was founded on the Judeo-Christian religion and it wasn't until the 1960's that the liberal socialist Democrats started removing Christianity from America through the control of the government school system and the brainwashing of our children from kindergarten through college. There has always been a war in this world between good and evil and with communism coming on the scene the battle became more intense. There are certain moments in history that really stand out. During World War II Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president. At this time we had a Christian America but across the world we had the rise of the Nazis and the Communists, both of which were anti-Christian. Roosevelt favored a socialist type of government so when Germany attacked Russia Roosevelt formed an alliance with Stalin. Roosevelt in his declaration of war speech says we will gain the ultimate victory so help us God. But I guess Roosevelt figured God wasn't enough so he also had to bring in the Communists on our side. This is another compromise with the enemy that would have grave consequences for America. So by the end of the war we had help Russia to become a super power. During the 1940's and 1950's Russians spies had completely infiltrated America. Sen. Joseph McCarthy had tried to warn the American people of the Communist takeover of America but the Democrats who by now had become socialist themselves came out against McCarthy and convinced everyone that he was insane. The Democratic Party was now turning to socialism and also they continued the oppression of the black population. With the advent of television the people United States were able to see how Blacks were being treated in the southern states. By this time JFK had been assassinated and now Lyndon Baines Johnson a Democrat was president of the United States. LBJ deceived the America people and led us into the Vietnam War which caused the death of 50,000 Americans. In the 1960's began an escalation of the attacks on America and Christianity by the liberal socialist Democrats and Communists who were now well entrenched in America. LBJ blamed racism on the Christian Right and passed a tax law which silence the church, also new civil rights laws and new immigration law reform. Before 1965 90% of the emigrants coming to America were from Europe and had American and Christian values. The emigrants changed from being European  to coming from third world countries, Muslim countries and communist countries, mostly non-Christian people. The United States government legalized abortion, ban Christianity in our school's and removed the 10 Commandments. The government also legalize homosexuality and gay marriage. A morality base America is now become a total godless America. Good is evil and evil is good. And today Barack Obama is just one of a long line of presidents including both Bushes and Bill Clinton who supported a new world order and the destruction of America. Also, by now the Republican party establishment; aka insiders have now shown their true colors and sided with the liberal socialist democrats against Trump. Obama's idea to fundamentally change America consist of the continued abortion of American babies both black and white and to replace them with illegal immigration of mostly non-Christians who have no idea of America's past greatness and Christian heritage. And now for the first time in the last 50 years we have a man, Donald J Trump who is exposing the lies and the deceit of our federal government, the decline of our nation which is being destroyed on purpose and is working to stop the downward spiral of America. This time the selection of the next 2 or 3 US  Supreme Court judges and to finally close the  border hangs in the balance. But if you want to see the end of America, a New World order with no borders and eventually the complete removal of God from our nation, then you should vote for Hillary Clinton.