Monday, August 29, 2016

Obama's Muslim Invasion right on Schedule

Obama meets his goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees ahead of schedule, which includes just 47 Christians.                                                                                                 Ambassador Alice Wells said the refugees are the most thoroughly screened category of travelers to the United States, and Syrian refugees are subject to even greater scrutiny," she said. Wells said the target of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S. in the 2016 fiscal year will be reached Monday, as several hundred Syrians depart from Jordan over 24 hours. The Jouriyeh family, which attended Sunday's short ceremony, is headed to San Diego, California. Nadim Fawzi Jouriyeh, 49, who suffers from heart problems, will be traveling with his wife, Rajaa, 42, and their four children. Their oldest son, 14-year-old Mohammed, said he is eager to sign up for school in San Diego.                                                                     From this report, I see 3 problems. I guess their screening program is to make sure that they limit Christians to the least number possible. Next, the father has a heart problem. A potential permanent welfare burden. And lastly, their oldest son was named Mohammed which mean all of them are Muslim followers of Islam. As Obama said himself, "to fundamentally change America". What is the response by the Republican establishment insiders to everything Obama does? I guess it's "what Obama wants, Obama gets".                                       Trump 2016 or America is finished.

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