Friday, September 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton 2016

Ex President Bill 'make love not war' Clinton said.“This is a good deal for the United States, North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons.”

Comrade Clinton, mission accomplish. North Korea now has nuclear weapons.

Obama said. "So let’s not mince words. The choice we face in Iran is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war -- maybe not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now, but soon.  And here’s the irony.  As I said before, military action would be far less effective than this deal in preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

It’s Either Iran Nuclear Deal or ‘Some Form of War,’ Obama Warns.

Ayatollah Obama, mission accomplished. Iran will have nuclear weapons in record time.

WWHD. 'What Would Hillary Do.'  I say, if Hillary becomes the President, she would probably come to the conclusion that the only thing left to do would be to offer the total unconditional surrender of the United States of America to the United Nations and the New World Order movement in order to guarantee everlasting world peace.

Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. That you, the American people. Oh. you think I'm crazy, then check out this website. Read    The Communist Takeover Of
America - 45 Declared Goals - See more at:

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