Friday, October 21, 2016

Donald Trump 2016

America would be better off if a President Trump would keep the illegal aliens and deport the liberal socialist democrats and establishment republicans. America would be a better place if more people listen to Lou Dobbs than Bill O'Reilly. America would be better off if Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine would move to Fox Business News, then we could stop watching Fox News Network all together. America would be better off if Donald was President and Ann Coulter and Michelle Bachmann were his press secretaries. America would be a better place if we had one official language and believed in the one true God. The Judea Christian God. America would be a better place if our schools would only teach reading, writing and arithmetic. America would be a better place if unborn baby lives mattered. America would be a better place if someone would ask Al Gore about Revelation 21:1 and remind him that it's not about something he did. And last of all America would be a better place if we had not replaced the Ten Commandments with ten thousand laws trying to govern the Nation.

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