Sunday, February 19, 2017

President Trump vs the world still

Today President Trump is under attack more than ever before from everyone except his pro American and Christian base. The Satanic Democrats in all three branches of the US Government, the media, the ACLU and other like minded organizations, the EU, the UN and the 50% of Americans who have been totally brainwashed by the government school system. The world is going totally insane. But worst of all is the lack of support from most of the Republocrats who have not spoken out against the Left's continuous attack against the President. These establishment Republicans secretly support and hope the Left will destroy his Presidency. The Republicans have been deceiving Americans for the last 50 years. America is under attack on two fronts. The Left to destroy America and the right to set up the New World Order. They have always worked together to accomplish this goal. This is a battle between good and evil in these last days before the return of Christ.

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