Thursday, February 9, 2017

President Trump is right about voter fraud - He legally won the popular vote

A report released Thursday estimates that more than 2.5 million immigrants in the country illegally live in the metropolitan areas cities of New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. 
All three of these cities have pledged to fight President Trump's plans to expand deportation, and all three are in top 20 metropolitan areas with the most undocumented immigrants in the United States.  
The Pew report estimates there are 11.1 million immigrants in the country illegally — or 3.5 per cent of the overall US population. 

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Here is how Democrats win elections. They flood America with Illegals so they can steal elections against the will of the American people. The American people better make sure the Demoncrats never win another election. Stop the 'enemy within'. Illegals are the voter base for the Democrats. For 50 years they have flooded America with over 50 million illegals with no resistance from the Republican party. They set them up with all the benefits the U.S. Government has to offer plus ID's and drivers license. You would have to a complete idiot not to know they have committed massive voter fraud. That's also about the same time period as when over 50 million American unborn babies they have murdered thru their support of abortion. They have been replacing white and black American children with a new foreign third world population who will start out enslaved to the Democrats.. It's a demonic transformation of a Nation. Support President Trump in his battle with the Federal Government.

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