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Take back America

Take back America
None dare call it treason

Friday, December 18, 2020
United States of America under Attack

Monday, November 9, 2020
2020 Election - Communist takeover of America
The Democrats had nothing to lose. They had to steal the election. They knew that they could not silence General Flynn for the next 4 years and that President Trump would also launch a criminal investigation against the democrat leaders during his second term for treason for trying to overthrow the President of the United States.
Alo, if you remember, Senator Chuck Schumer told the Republicans at the Amy Barrett Senate confirmation hearings that they would pay for confirming her now and it would happen sooner than anyone thought it could happen. Did he know about the voter fraud that was about to happen?
The democrats had months to plan how to steal the election by mail in ballots and special computer programs to switch vote choices to change the outcome of the election.
I would go so far as to say that the Democrats collaborated with China in causing a worldwide pandemic to help destroy the chances of President Trump getting reelected.
How long will it be before Fox News will fire all their conservative commentator like they did with Trish Regan on Fox Business News? Will Tucker Carlson and Hannity be next? How about Lou Dobbs?
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
The Communist Democrats attempt to overthrow the President of the United States of America
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
We must not let the Democrats steal this election.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Dave Daubenmire The Stench of Death
The Stench of Death
By Dave Daubenmire|August 27th, 2020
Dave Daubenmire
“Did you know abortion even had a smell?” Abby Johnson at the RNC Convention.
I don’t know if I have ever heard anything so profound spoken at a political event in my life.
“Abortion has an odor” I repeated to my wife who was sitting in the room beside me. “My God what a word-picture. How does anyone who has ever been in a medical office not relate to the smells that hang in the air?” Right now, pro-aborts in the Demonic Democrat Party are squealing from the arrow that struck right in the heart of the abortion industry.
Abortion has a smell. My God. ABORTION HAS A SMELL !! It is time to end abortion in America!
It is not just a blob of tissue. It is not just a “difficult choice between a woman and her Doctor.” Whether using a sterile medical suction machine or a back-alley clothes hanger the undeniable truth was exposed for all the world to hear. Abortion kills. ABORTION HAS A SMELL.
The stench of death is suffocating America. The stench waffles across the homes of America and in the silent bedrooms where women struggle to sleep as the sights and sounds of the abortion experience haunt the corners of their minds.
They remember the smell. They remember the sounds. Years later they are still haunted by the experience…victims of the lies they were told by the ghouls masquerading as friends in the dark recesses of the murder mills.
It is your right to choose…your body your choice…the baby will not feel anything…the problem will go away once the procedure is over…God understands your dilemma and he will be in the room with you…don’t let this unfortunate pregnancy ruin your future career…it’s not really a baby…no one will ever know…you are not mature enough to raise a child…
Abortion has a smell!! Death has a stench. With one brief statement Abby Johnson pulled millions of American women back into the abortion clinic where they had killed their precious child. They remembered the cold table. They remembered the stirrups. They remembered the indifference of the Doctor, the whirl of the vacuum machine, and the smell. Abortion has a smell.
Her presentation was one of the most impactful moments in American political history. With one sharp statement she destroyed all of the lies of the lying Left. Abortion is real. It is more than a difficult choice between a woman and her Doctor. It kills a child. It involves sights and sounds…and odors. It torments women in their most quiet moments. Truly, abortion has a smell.
Now if only we could get America’s pulpits to inhale deeply. If only they could catch a whiff of the smell of death circulating through the recycled air of their church building. How much longer will America’s pulpits cast an indifferent glance at the most hideous sin to ever penetrate the heart of a woman?
“I killed my baby,” the women silently cry. “How can I ever escape the quilt I feel? How can I ever forgive myself? How can God ever forgive me? What kind of woman kills her own child? Wild animals don’t even do that.”
Why don’t America’s pulpits care? How can they not understand the destructive nature of abortion and the devasting scars that it leaves on the heart of a mother? How can they not understand the Biblical premise that “bloodshed follows bloodshed?”
Violence in the womb leads to violence in the world. Why can’t our leaders make the connection? One dead…one wounded…as the sobbing women leave Planned Parenthood.
Blood has a voice. It cries from the ground. God hates hands that shed innocent blood. Why don’t we? Why don’t our pastors? How much longer will the American church look the other way at Government sanctioned death? Can’t they smell the death? Why can’t they smell it? Do they have cotton in their nostrils?
God smells it. How can we expect a Holy God to bless a nation whose Shepherds look the other way as blood floods the city sewers.? Dumb dogs is what Isaiah called them. Unable to bark.
But dogs can smell. How can our religious leaders not notice the stench? How many more women will they permit to fall for the lies? How many more women will lie awake at night as the smell of death circulates through their minds?
The church is waiting for the politicians to end abortion. God is waiting for His church. Neither group seems to genuinely care. Babies die. Women suffer. God bless America !! Forty-seven years of unabated child sacrifice. Something stinks.
I’ve noticed this week that the RNC convention has been far more Christ-centered than anytime in my adult life. They are serving up more Gospel than most churches. The Republican Party of the past with it’s Fake Christianity and Fake Pro-life stance has gone by the wayside. No more fake conservatives like McCain’s or McConnells, Boehners or Bushes, no Romney’s or Ryan’s.
Thank God for an orange man, rejected by the pompous, deemed unfit to serve, injecting the smell of abortion into the minds of America’s mothers. God works in mysterious ways. When will be the right time to end the holocaust?
Stop counting on Trump to do it. Rise up Christian men. Take in a deep breath. It is time to clear the air.
The Devil is devouring our children. Can’t you smell it?
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Coronavirus Mask
Silence of the Shepple. Americans have been silence. This is a symbolic image of the Left Wing Communist victory over the first amendment's freedom of speech. Obey us or be arrested. If you wear a MAGA hat in public you will be beaten. If you say 'All lives matter' you are a racist. We will take your guns away by force if necessary. Americans cling to their Bible and their guns. There is no room in this world for those who insult Allah. Obey Government not God.
Saturday, June 13, 2020
President Trump 2016
Friday, June 12, 2020
Biden and Warren 2020
Elizabeth Warren says she accepts being Joe Biden's fondling mate.
President Trump said he will address Pocahontas now as Running Bare.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
BLM - Antifa Revolution
Their Goal. Change America. Replace our heritage, our history, our justice system, our police and next our Constitution and the U.S. Flag with their flag.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
BLACK LIVES MATTER now, Democrat extermination camp
Some BLACK LIVES MATTER more than others, Antifa BLM are Democrat cannon fodder to regain control of the White House
Democrat policy for Blacks keeps changing over time but the results are always the same. Death. In Chicago it seems black lives do not matter at all. Blacks have gone from plantation slaves to Government slaves to Vote for Democrats slaves. Will blacks give President Trump a chance this november election.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Pray to the one true God, not to man or Government
1 You shall have no other gods before me.
6. Thou shall not murder.
Proverbs 6:16–19
English Standard Version
16 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,
and one who sows discord among brothers.
Don't bow down to man, only God can forgive sin
Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.
May God help us.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
President Trump - The right man The right time
Democrat playbook of whether accusing him of being a sexist, racist or insane proved to be a lie.
Democrats had a pandemic in waiting for President Trump whatever year he became President
The failure of every attack by the Democrats caused the Democrats to go insane
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
CoronaVirus Pandemic or Stop Trump 2020
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Socialism vs Communism vs Nazism vs Fascism vs Atheism
What do Democrats call a single cell organism? A life form.
We spend billions of dollars on the space program searching the universe trying to find a single cell life form so they can proudly proclaim, "See, there is no God, life happens naturally".
What do Democrats call a baby in the womb? A Fetus. The word Fetus, sounds like something you want to get rid of.
What do Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Atheism and Democrats have in common. They believe in mass murder.
Slice it's neck, suck out it's brain. You wouldn't want the mother to accidentally hear the baby scream upon delivery.
Do all this in a nice clean environment. It looks just like a hospital where you would go to get well. Not a messy, smelly concentration camp. Democrats would vote to have you imprisoned or executed if you did this to an animal. May God help us.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
North Carolina's Governor Roy Cooper
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Trish Regan - Fox Business News
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Vote Democrat if you approve
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Monday, February 3, 2020
Rush Limbaugh February 3, 2020
Today, Rush Limbaugh announced that he has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Please pray for him.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
New Hampshire State motto
Vote Trump 2020 and stop the madness.