Sunday, March 22, 2020

Socialism vs Communism vs Nazism vs Fascism vs Atheism

What do all these beliefs have in common? They are OK with murdering God's Creation, babies. What do Democrats support?
What do Democrats call a single cell organism? A life form.
We spend billions of dollars on the space program searching the universe trying to find a single cell life form so they can proudly proclaim, "See, there is no God, life happens naturally".
What do Democrats call a baby in the womb? A Fetus. The word Fetus, sounds like something you want to get rid of.
What do Socialism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Atheism and Democrats have in common. They believe in mass murder.
Slice it's neck, suck out it's brain. You wouldn't want the mother to accidentally hear the baby scream upon delivery.
Do all this in a nice clean environment. It looks just like a hospital where you would go to get well. Not a messy, smelly concentration camp. Democrats would vote to have you imprisoned or executed if you did this to an animal. May God help us.

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