Sunday, September 19, 2010

God and Mother Earth

You worship and serve the creature more than the Creator. Romans 1:25. Today, environmental religions are everywhere. Actually they have always been. Satan knows he can deceive more people thru this than actual Satan worship. Satan worship was prevalent in the past but now a more friendly approach is needed. Now it's Mother Earth that you should worship. Serve Gaia and she will be kind to you. Of course the best way to serve is human sacrifice as in the past or today by being subservient to animals. Would you give your life to save a whale? I guess she had PMS the day she made Australia. Talking about unfriendly; but then again the animal kingdom is equal to humans. One is no more important than the other. Humans will not be given any special privileges unless they are on the endanger species list.

1 comment:

  1. I was hitchhiking in Nebraska years ago and this Christian truck driver picked me up. He said that most people think that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of the sin of homosexuality. Homosexuality was definitely part of the problem. The real sin was that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah worshipped the creation more than the Creator. I say Amen to that.

    About ten years ago, this TV program said that enviro groups like Earth First were the number one domestic terrorist group in the United States.

    When man began to worship and serve the creation more than the Creator, He gave them over to a reprobate mind (Romans Chapter 1). Look at the United States today: when there was that oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this year, there was much more TV coverage on the pelicans being covered with oil than the eleven men that died in the explosion. This is a perverse generation.

    If the United States would aggressively subdue the earth like the Lord COMMANDED Adam in the Book of Genesis, we would cut down and replant forests, drill for domestic oil, mine precious metals and probably have less than 3% unemployment. Jobs for men are more important than habitat for animals.
