Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The First Amendment protects radical opinions says Janet Napolitano

Napolitano Advocates Government Surveillance of Internet to Fight Homegrown Terrorism
Last year it was revealed that the Department of Homeland Security considers constitutionalists, Second Amendment advocates, returning veterans, and members of militia groups to be potential domestic terrorists. Napolitano’s speech was an admission that the government is monitoring patriot groups and individuals.

Napolitano says now we must focus on homegrown terrorist. Do you believe in God? Do you support the Constitution? Are you a military veteran? Do you own Guns? Then you are a terrorist. If you love freedom, it would have to be from memory. By one brick at a time the Government is destroying the very foundations of those things which insured our freedoms, all in the name of keeping America safe. They can't wait until they brainwash enough people in America to get them to give up all their rights and guns for "Homeland Security". They scary thing is that half the Nation is already willing. But who will protect Americans from "Department of Homeland Terrorist"? Also known as the Federal Government. Who will protect us from them? The enemy lets in your enemy, then tell you that you must give up your freedoms so that we can protect you from the enemy.

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