Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New World Order is here

Sometimes the Truth comes from an unlikely source. What did Nikita Kruschev say back in the late 1950's. "We will bury you. We will take over America without firing one shot". Truer words were never spoken. For the last 60 years they have been overthrowing our society bit by bit. It has happen so slowly you hardly notice until one day it dawns on you that it's 'Mission Accomplished'. Does anyone care? No, we still have a bread and circus society. One day the food and entertainment will end and the dying will begin. Just as soon as they can take away everyone's guns and close down talk radio and the internet. The Supreme Court has been filled with Communist, there are 80 professing Communist in the House and Senate. We have socialist judges, lawyers and psychiatrist and psychologist. Our school system and national media have been taken over by Socialist. Most all of the special interest groups and lobbyist are socialist backed. The final world system is set for a Communist government and a worldwide Islamic based Religion. Your money system is already under control of the World Banking system. Your financial fortunes can be erased in a second. People have been deceive by the U.S. Two Party system. You get to vote but your choice of candidates has already been decided. People think that economic recessions just happen. Your standard of living must decline to match the level decided for the New World Order. Oh yes, they will be no middle class in the New World Order. Only the 'Ruling Class' and the 'subservant class'. People believe anything they are told by the government. They say 'Diversity" makes us great while they eliminate borders, language and culture. There should be no Press ONE for English. You shouldn't have to request to use the English Language. You have removed God and morality from ever aspect of Society. Evil is rampant everywhere. Our young people serving in the military; for what? Freedom or to bring in the New World Order. They are being used as cannon fodder. Darkness is decending on America.

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