Saturday, September 11, 2010

All good people go to Heaven - Really?

Have you notice the new billboards "A world at prayer is a world at peace." I guess they are getting ready for the new 'One World Religion.' The trouble is that there will be no true Christians in this new 'One World Religion.' It all sounds good but then again, what does the Bible say? John 14-6 Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Only Christianity acknowledges Jesus. Without Jesus, you will die in your sins and be lost forever. Satan will be your master.
Today, we remember those who were murdered on 911. Just remember, our diversity makes us great. What ever happen to 'United we Stand?  Because of diversity every one hates everyone else, no one can agree with another on any issue, but all together now lets sing, "We are the World.........", I don't know the rest, but I'm sure you do. One final word. That one world religion thing; I'll bet the last ones standing will be Islamic. They just aren't into this diversity thing.

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